Ancient Climate
Wegener found glacial deposits that showed that 220-300 million years ago sheets of ice covered much of the Southern Hemishpere in areas that now have temperate or tropical climates. -
Similar Mountain Ranges
Mountain ranges were found to have been made of the same material even though they are seperated by oceans. -
Matching Fossils
Identical fossils were found in different continents in places that could have been previously connected. -
Hypothesis of Continental Drift
Alfred Weneger develops the hypothesis of Continental Drift. -
Material of Ocean Floor
Scientists find that the basalt on the ocean floor alternates with it's polarity as a result of Sea-Floor Spreading. -
Hypothesis of Sea-Floor Spreading
Harry Hess comes up with the hypothesis of Sea-Floor Spreading. -
Kiyoo Wadati and Hugo Benioff found that the deeper the earthquakes occur, the farther they were from the deep-ocean trenches, which told them that the slabs of ocean floor returned to the mantle after subducting.