
discobery of america

  • Period: Aug 1, 1492 to Apr 1, 1493

    first Travel by culumbus

  • Aug 12, 1492

    the expedition stop

    the expedition stop
    the expedicion stoppet in the canary islads for final provisions and repairs
  • Sep 6, 1492

    Arrived canary islads

    Arrived canary islads
    columbus's expedition leaves the canary islads
  • Oct 12, 1492

    rodrigo sights land

    rodrigo sights land
    land was spotted by a sailor named Rodrygo de Triana aboard the Pinta. they reached the island of Guanajani in the Bahamas
  • Mar 15, 1493

    la niña arrived in palos de la frontera

    la niña arrived in palos de la frontera
    la niña arrived in palos de la frontera, followed shortly by la pinta, bringing news of their discoveries