Period: to
Wahsington Confrence
-Confrence of major naval powers
-Met in November 1921 and signed treaties from Dec 1921 to Feb 1922
-US secretary of State proposes Naval disramanet in order to:
-US wanted to prevent foreign excursions to China during its unstable state
-Wanted to avoid naval race in the Pacific as they no longer wnated to spend money on navy.
-USA wanted to prevent annexations of China during its chaotic state.. -
Cannes Confrence
David Loyd George proposes a limited guranteee for France instead of the anglo-american gurantee -
4 Power Treaty
-USA, Britian, France, and Japan
-Ended Anglo-Japenese alliance
-Agreed to recognise each other's possessions in the Pacific and, in the event of contrevorsy, attempt to reach a diplomatic solution. -
Five power treaty
-USA,Britian,Japan,France, and Italty
-Agreed to total tonnage ratio in capital warships fixed at 5-5-3-1.75-1.75 respectiveley
-Introdueced a 10-year "building holiday" on capital ships
-The USA and Britian agreed not to construct new fortresses or naval bases in the western pacific. -
Nine-Power treaty
-USA, Britian, France, Japan, Italy, Belgium, China, Netherlands and Portugal
-Agreed to respect China's soverginty
-Agreed to the 'Open door', whereby all countries were to have equal trading rights in china
-Agrred to discuss problems of common interest -
Results of the washington confrence continued......
-The treaties did not lay down any mecahnism for enforcement in events of a country breaching their terms and they failed to prevent Japanese agrression from 1931 onwards.
-The USSR was not invited to the washington confrence; this was a significiant ommision adn weakness in the washington treaties becasue the USSR was potentially a major force in the Pacific. -
Results of washington confrence
-Constituted a positive step towards preventing a naval arms race
-They signalled the end of Britian's naval domination, as Britian accepted parity with the USA.
-They marked a partial withdrawl of the British from East Asia and meant that US power in East Asia was now greater than Britian
-Ships under 10,000 tons (destroyers, light cruisers, and submarines) were not restricted
-The treaties did not cove land forces
-In spite of domestic criticism of the treaty, Japan was ready to accept terms. -
Period: to
London Naval Confrence
-USA, France, Britian, Italy, and Japan.
-Meant to extend duration and terms of Washington naval treaty
-Wanted to restict cruiser and submarines in order to cut the expense of thre naval race.
-Extended the freeze of the builidng of capital ships for another 5 years
-Set regulations of submarine warfare
-France and Italy refused to sign the agreement about restricting cruisers and destroyers.
-France did not accept parity with Italy as they belived they need a strong navy to protect themsleves -
Period: to
The Geneva disarmament confrence
-The main obstacle to disarmament in Genevea was the balance of military forces b/w France and Germany.
-Germany inisited on parity with France when it comes to armed troops.
-French would only agrre to parity if Cast-iron guratness over inspetcion and verification procedurecs were placed to ensure Germenay followed the confrence and if Additional measures like an intenrational peacekeeping FORCE was put into place.
-US and Britian felt sympathy towards Germany and felt the TOV was too harsh. -
Period: to
2nd London Naval confrence
-Meant to extend terms of London naval confrence and wahington naval confrence
-Japan wanted parity with USA and Britian and walked out of the confrence when they refused to concede this.
-The USA, Britian, and France agrred to a 6-year mortarium on building large light cruisers (8000-10000 tons).