Disability rights-Autism speaks

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    Autism speaks funds the Autism Genetic Resource Exchange(AGRE) AGRE was originally funded by a organisation predecessor, Cure Autism Now.
  • Autism speaks on televisin

    Autism speaks on televisin
    THE TODAY SHOW aired a week-long series of stories highlighting autism research and treatment.
  • Autism speaks

    Autism speaks
    Autism speaks is a disability rights organisation for people with autism. The founders are Bob & Susanne Wright, they founded autism speaks because they found out their son was diagnosed with autism.
  • Autism awareness day

    Autism awareness day
    Autism Speaks' founder Suzanne Wright met with Sheikha Moza bint Nasser of Qatar to sponsor a UN Resolution reckoning people with autism
  • end of the "cure"

    end of the "cure"
    In 2016 Autism speaks stopped looking for a "cure" for autism and even removed the word "cure" from their mission statement.