Oct 30, 1580
Dirk Hartog was born on the 10/30/1580 in Amsterdam Netherlands -
Dirk got marriage
Dirk got marriage to Meynsgen Abels -
Cape of Good Hope
Dirk arrival at the Cape of Good Hope on 5 Augst -
Dirk arrives in the Dutch East Indies 14/12/1616 -
West Cost of Australia
Dirk arrives at the west cost of Australia 25/12/1616 -
Dirk leaves Bantam 17/12/1617 -
Netherland again
Dirk ship arrives in the Netherlands again -
Geluckige Leeuw
Dirk Hartog becomes captain of the 'Geluckige Leeuw 1619 -
Dirk Deth
Dirk Hartog died on the 11/10/1621 in Amsterdan Netherlands