Cold war

Diplomatic milestones of Cold War

  • Iron Curtain

    Iron Curtain
    it formed the imaginary boundary dividing the East from the West
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    the doctrine established a containment policy to halt the Soviet expansion because according to the domino theory, communism could spread quickly from one state to a neighbouring one
  • Organization of the CIA

    Organization of the CIA
    anti-communist operation that gathers, processes and analyzes national security information from around the world
  • Organization of NATO

    Organization of NATO
    military support to one another by some North-American and European countries in case of a foreign attack
  • The birth of the two German states

    The birth of the two German states
    the German Federal Republic was democratic with flourishing economy, while the German Democratic Republic was Communist
    this division of Germany was finalized for 40 years
  • Organization of the KGB

    Organization of the KGB
    internal security, intelligence and secret police organization of the USSR
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    assured mutual defence and assistance within the Eastern Block, led by the USSR
  • Conference in Bandung

    Conference in Bandung
    conference of mainly former colonial countries who refused to join any military co-operation and to contact with either superpowers in order to support national independence and peaceful co-existence
  • 20th Congress of the Communist Party

    20th Congress of the Communist Party
    the proccess of de-Stalinization started then
    a new type of foreign policy, the détente was opted, which meant that a war between the two blocks was avoidable and peaceful coexistence was possible
  • Erection of the Berlin Wall

    Erection of the Berlin Wall
    it was built to prevent the population of the Soviet-controlled East Berlin from escaping to West Berlin, controlled by the Western Allies
  • Reagan's SDI ('Star Wars Plan')

    Reagan's SDI ('Star Wars Plan')
    it was a defense initiative of ground and space-based systems to protect the USA
    it forced the USSR into an arm race it couldn't finance
  • Summit in Malta

    Summit in Malta
    the end of the Cold War was announced