This timelime shows where and when the people of colonial Virginia started making progress in the elimination of racial segregation and where and when their progress began to fall apart. -
Period: to
The life of Anthony and his sons
40-act X takes guns from negros
In the January of 1639 the Virginia government passed a law taking guns and ammunition away from all negros in Viginia. If they are found with a gun, after the passing of this law, they will be "fined at the pleasure of the council."
This showed diminishing progress because the Virginia council is coming out and saying that they believe negro lives are not as important to them as a white man's. Because of this law, more negros will die from lack of self defence. Or, with no way to hunt, starve. -
Period: to
Diminishing progress
Anthony aquires land
In 1645, Anthony ( a negro) aquired a large portion of land in Northhampton Virginia. This purchase of land was a sign of progress in colonial Virginia because for the first time, negros were allowed to own land.
In a way it made English men and African men more equal then they had been before because it showed that African men were allowed to have power just like English man. -
Period: to
Progress of Anthony
Anthony wins in court
In 1654 Anthony went to court because a white man was trying to take one of Anthony's slaves. Anthony won and was able to keep his slave.
This law shows two signs of progress in colonial Virginia. The first sign was that Anthony owned a slave. this showed that Africans had the same right buying and selling slaves as a white man did.
The second sign was the fact that Anthony won. That meant the Viginia court was not biased. That showed progress because the court treated Anthony like a person. -
Act 1 aproves the casual killing of slaves
This law says that if you are punishing a slave and they die, you will not be taken to court and held accountable for murder.
This is the second time that we really see the Virginia counsil saying that a slave's life is not important to them. This is also the first time that the counsil presents a slave as property instead of a human. -
Act VI- for the punishment for pig stealing.
In 1699, the Virginia council passed a law declaring that any slave that steals a pig will reccieve 30 lashes or have his ears cut off.
This showed diminishing progress because the African slaves were being treated like animals. Not only did it ruin your hearing, but it also marked you as a criminal. If you were looking for work, no one would hire you because of yor missing ear.
This is the law that made English men believe that Africans were tools. Just another thing to be beaten and broken. -
" A house divided against itself can not stand" ~ Abraham Lincoln
When colonial Virginia made slavery a part of the socety, they started dividing the house. The truth is simple, though: slavery cannot support a country. A country built on slavery is like a skyscarper built on sand.
Racial seperation is one of the issues that has threatened to tear this country apart time and time again. That is why I challenge you, the reader, to be more aware of this problem so that history does not repeat.