Dillon Doss

  • 2000 BCE


    In ancient Korea, there was one main ethnicity, one main language, and they practiced several religious beliefs. The ethnicity there was Manchierian because many people from Manchuria migrated there. Manchuria is present-day Northeastern China. There was one main language spoken there which was called Korean, the Korean language was created by the Manchurian people who migrated there. The religious beliefs practiced there are Shamanism and Ancestor worship.
  • 384


    Around 384 CE an Indian/Serindian monk Marananta introduced Confucianism
  • Manchu Invade Korea (Exposure to China)

    Manchu Invade Korea (Exposure to China)
    Around 1636, the Manchu invaded Korea, and this impacted the Korean language and religion. The Manchu established the Qing Dynasty in Korea as well as in China. The Koreans copied Chinese scripts because they wanted to speak a common language. The Korean language is very similar to the Chinese language, even using some Chinese characters. This is also due to exposure from China. This is how Korea got exposed to China and how Korea was changed from exposure to China.
  • Korean War (Exposure to America)

    Korean War (Exposure to America)
    Around 1950 the Korean war started, America sent many troops and supplies to aid South Korea. Due to the large presence of American troops in Korea, Korea got exposed to Christianity. The English language is widely spoken throughout Korea today as a product of the war, as well as a large number of the Korean population, being Christian. Both of these changes of language and religion are a byproduct of the Korean war. This is how Korea got exposed to Christianity and how exposure changes Korea.
  • Today

    In present-day Korea, there is 1 main ethnicity with a couple of other ethnicities, 1 main language, and 1 main religion with a couple of other religions. The main ethnicity in Korea today is Korean the population is made mostly of Koreans with some Americans, Japanese, and Chinese people. All Koreans speak the Korean language. 56.9% of people are unaffiliated with any religion, 19.7% identify as protestant Christian, 7.9% identify as Roman Catholic, and 15.5% of people identify as Buddhist.