Declaration of Independence Desk
In 1776, Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence on this portable lap desk of his own design. Featuring a hinged writing board, a locking drawer for papers and pens, and an inkwell, the desk was Jefferson's companion as a Revolutionary patriot, American diplomat, and president of the United States. Jefferson himself anticipated the veneration of this desk on which he penned the manuscript drafts of the Declaration of Independence. In a note he wrote at Monticello in 1825 and attac -
John Quincy Adams
John Adams was the 6th presedent of the U.S. and he helped 36 Afirican men being held get away. -
Antebellum Period and Civil War
It was a very important war because President Lincoln sent are mean to war to fight for the slaves so the slaves could have there family and be able to see them all the time and to have freedom to do what they want. -
Presedent Limcoln
He did something important to U.S. history because he free the slaves by the Civil War and if he would not of done that we would not have most of the invenchons that we have today. -
Gorege Washintan Carver
If Lincoln did not have the Civil War to free the slaves we probly would not have peanut butter and other things that are made from peanut butter. -
George Wahingtian
He was the first presedent of the U.S. if we would of not got a presedent we would not have all the laws that we have today but tanks to George Wachingtan we do so now we have a pretty safe place to live and not get hurt.