Digital Timeline Project - Rafael Villar

  • Birth

    I was born at December 10, 2007
  • Brother being born

    Brother being born
    My brother was born
  • Charismatic

    I have an outgoing and likeable personality when I am around others, naturally making them drawn to me.
  • First vacation that I could remember

    First vacation that I could remember
    I recall my family visiting our cousins in the Philippines when I was around the age 10. I believe that we decided to visit my dad's side of the family, heading to Looc which was one of the provinces at the Philippines.
  • Being Caring

    Being Caring
    At the time I was around 10-11 and I took care of my brother when both of my parents were working.
  • Authentic

    My family always stick towards traditional foods when we are at a family gathering or special event
  • Visiting my family in San Diego

    Visiting my family in San Diego
    When I was around the age of 12. me my dad and brother decided to visit my family members in San Diego. My dad wanted to catch up with his sister and explore her hobbies. Those being surfing and hiking.
  • Reflective

    Whenever I made a mistake inside or outside of school, I would figure out what went wrong and find a solution in order to not recreate the mistake
  • Covid-19 starts

    Covid-19 starts
    At the time when Covid-19 hit I was in 6th grade. I believe we saw it on the news during class but we didn't think much of it, until it became an issue.
  • Making others laugh

    Making others laugh
    During my elementary I felt like I was the class clown, making everybody laugh or chuckle when they are feeling down.
  • Curious

    Throughout high school I always stayed curious and wanted to understand confusing concepts
  • 8th grade Retrodance

    8th grade Retrodance
    Before our 8th grade graduation our school decided to plan two special events, those being the Retrodance and lunch-in. I really had fond memories with the Retrodance because how everybody was out and enjoying their time dancing to the music and eating pizza.
  • 8th grade graduation

    8th grade graduation
    We graduated from Dever elementary school, the ceremony took place at Steinmetz's football field.
  • Start of high school at William Howard Taft

    Start of high school at William Howard Taft
    After my 8th grade graduation I started my freshman year at Taft in the freshman academy.
  • Being efficient

    Being efficient
    During my Sophomore summer break I decided to get my driver's permit done and ready, in order to be prepared to take my driver's exam and get a driver's license.
  • Showing compassion

    Showing compassion
    During my vacation my friend reached out to me when he was at his lowest point, I offered him reassurance and guidance so that way he didn't feel lost or confused.
  • My first time trying a sport

    My first time trying a sport
    Through the encouragement of my friends I started to try out Wrestling my sophomore year at Taft high school.
  • My first win during wrestling

    My first win during wrestling
    During my first Wrestling home meet at Taft I got my first win. My moral was high because I managed to get my first win, while my friends were hyping me up throughout the match.
  • Being deciplined

    Being deciplined
    During my Sophomore winter break I still stayed consistent with Wrestling, showing up to practice and possibly going to meets/tournaments.
  • Being Responsible

    Being Responsible
    I showed responsibility towards my family because during this time I was responsible for being a pallbearer and filling in for one of my family members.