
The Russian Revolutions

  • Russian Marxists Split

    Russian Marxists Split
    Due to differences in revolutionary tactics, the Marxists split into the moderate Mensheviks and radical Bolsheviks. The Marxists wanted a broad base of support, while the Bolsheviks only wanted the revolutionaries willing to sacrifice everything. The Bolsheviks (later the Communist Party) went on to take control of Russia in 1917.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
    After battling for control of Korea and Manchuria with Japan, Russia breaks the peace treaty between the two superpowers. In retaliation, Japan attacks the Russians at Port Arthur, Manchuria. As an effect on these events, the credibility and trust of the Russian government was weakened with the majority of the Russian people.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    200 workers strike in St. Petersburg, Russia, demanding better working conditions, more personal freedom, and an elected national legislature. Nicholas II ordered soldiers to fire into the crowd, killing hundreds. This event provoked surges of violence against the government, ultimately leading to the creation of a parliament.
  • Russia Enter The First World War

    Russia Enter The First World War
    Russia entered the first world war poorly prepared with weak generals and inadequately supplied soldiers. On the other hand, Germany had well-suited supplies including machine guns which destroyed entire Russian units. Similarly to the Russo-Japanese War, citizens lost their little remaining faith in the government.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    Angry workers unsatisfied with shortages of bread and fuel cry “Down with the autocracy!” and “Down with the war!”. Soldiers initially followed demands and shot at the rioters, but then, soldiers sympathetic to the rioters' cause supported the demonstration. Yet again, this resulted in dislike and distrust of the government.
  • October Revolution

    October Revolution
    Led by Lenin, Russians unsatisfied with their current government take action by storming the Winter Palace in Petrograd. Kerensky and other government officials flee while the Bolshevik Red Guards gain power. This eventually leads to USSR communism giving everyone “Peace, Land, and Bread”.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    Withdrawing from World War 1, Russia signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with the central powers. Russia conceded a large portion of its land in order to resolve the problem peacefully. In return, Russians lost their final bits of pieces of faith in their government.
  • Russian Civil War

    Russian Civil War
    Opposing the Bolsheviks, the White Army forms, led by Leon Trotsky. Several western countries sent supplies in support for the White Army. The 3 year war impacted the country for years to come, not only because the Red Army came out on top, but because famine and flu followed.
  • New Economic Policy (NEP) Introduced

    New Economic Policy (NEP) Introduced
    Lenin puts communism aside and declares a mix of communist, socialist, and capitalist ideas. The government kept control of businesses, but smaller businesses were privately owned. This helped Russia off its feet and back on track to be an international powerhouse.
  • Stalin Gains Control Of The USSR

    Stalin Gains Control Of The USSR
    The death of the Soviet's leader Lenin allowed for a new leader to take charge. After taking down Leon Trotsky in a battle for control of the USSR, Stalin gains the power he has desired. This ultimately lead to the undoing of many of Lenin's policies.