Digital Technolgies that where used for this included the camera in which he filmed the swede on. -
Prelim film
The prelim film was easy to make and only required the camera to film and final cut pro to edit for the digital technoloigies. We also used Vimeo to upload the prelim film as it was easier to access than Youtube. -
Period: to
AS Research and planning blog
We used many digital technolgies for this blog including Blogger to help us write and display the blogs, Prezi which is a presentation technology, links and embeds from Youtube and Vimeo and many more. -
The Breakfast Club - remake
Digital Technologies used for the breakfast club remake included the camera in which we filmed on. We also used final cut pro to help us edit our shots. -
Teen title sequence
To create this lots of technology was used. We used Youtube to upload the video and the behind the scenes clips. We used the camera to film and final cut pro to edit. -
Period: to
AS & A2 Evaluations
Over the course of both evaluations in media I have used lots of digital technology to help present my evaluations including; Prezi, emaze, powtoon, slides to help me present work, slideshare to present photos, videos off of a flip cam for interviews or answering questions, embedds and links from Youtube and vimeo, Gifs and screenshots which all helped to increase my evaluation level. -
Lipsync test
To edit the lip sync tutorial we used final cut pro. -
Period: to
A2 Research and planning blog
We used even more digital tech here as we improved with our knowledge of tech this year. We used blogger to create the blogs. I also used Prezi, emaze, powtoon, slideshare to present work and pictures. I used social medias on the blog to promote our artist such as facebook, instagram and twitter. I used lots of embedds and links from youtube and vimeo. I also used handbreak on the apple macs quite often as this helped make video's files smaller so that i was able to upload them to blogger. -
Music video tedt (Lip sync tutorial)
We used a camera also here to film our shots. We also used final cut pro to edit the video together. Youtube was also used to help us find the original song and then to upload our cover when it was complete. -
Green screen test
We used the cameras to film the green screen shots. To then edit the green screen shots we used final cut pro and this was important cause this helped us put in different backgrounds and to edit the green screen shots properly. -
Music video (A2)
We used lots of technologies to help make our music video. We used the camera to film all of our shots. We used final cut pro to edit everything together. Handbreak was also used at one point to make the file for the original song smaller so that it could fit in final cut pro. -
Ancillary band website
I used photoshop to edit some of the images that went into my website. I also used Wix to create the website. The images taken where on an iphone also. Another digital technology i used was Youtube as this is were most of my links on my website came from. -
Ancillary digipak
To create the digipak I used photoshop mostly as this helped edit and put the different images together to make the digipak. An iphone 6 was another digital technology that was used to take pictures of the images of the artists.