
Digital Imaging - Anthony Aguilar

  • The Beginning of Digital Imaging

    How it started
  • The First Digital Imaging

    The First Digital Imaging
    Digital imaging is the creation of a representation of the visual characteristics of an object. Michael Tompsett made digital imaging.
  • Digital Image Sensors

    Digital Image Sensors
    Mohamed M. Atalla and Dawon Kahng at Bell Labs in 1959 made digital imaging sensors which is electronic or electrochemical sensor, where data is digitally converted and transmitted.
  • Digital image compression

    Digital image compression
    Image compression is a type of data compression applied to digital images, to reduce their cost for storage or transmission. They have a smaller image size.
  • Digital Cameras

    Digital Cameras
    Digital cameras were used to take pictures and also a CCD (charged couple device) use for telesopes. It was a black and white in the 1980s
  • Digital Imaging

    Digital Imaging
    Digital imaging has improve much more and digital camears and also digital imaging can be used in computers. Photos have colors and can easly be uploded to the internet
  • Digital Imaigng (Useful Things) Now

    Digital Imaigng (Useful Things) Now
    Digital Imaging is used in alot of ways docors use it on patients with an xray. Also is used to see germs in a microsope, and technician used digtal imaging.