12,500 BCE
circa 12,500 BC; it is believed by many that the illustrations found in a cave, are the earliest signs of graphic design development. (http://www.visual-arts-cork.com/prehistoric/lascaux-cave-paintings.htm) -
around 1900s, the Futurism style design started to show up. It consisted of hard straight lines. This way to make it seem like its in the future versus what there daily design styles looked like https://www.onlinedesignteacher.com/2016/05/graphic-design-styles.html#futurism -
Early Modern Style
around the 1910s, the graphic designers started to use photos for their projects instead of basic shapes and drawings. https://www.onlinedesignteacher.com/2016/05/graphic-design-styles.html#early-modern -
Art Deco
around the 1920s, you could see their confidence change. Having high contrast and vibrant colors became mainstream https://www.onlinedesignteacher.com/2016/05/graphic-design-styles.html#art-deco -
Times New Roman
around the 1933, times new roman was invented by a man named Stanley Morrison. You could see this being worked into peoples designs all over. You can still see times new roman in your everyday use. https://www.ft.com/content/a2fa033e-7ca1-11de-a7bf-00144feabdc0 -
International Style
around the 1940s, started a trend using asymmetrical layouts of pictures and colors creating a cool effect, the also integrated negative space. https://www.onlinedesignteacher.com/2016/05/graphic-design-styles.html#international -
Late Modern
around 1945, similar to the international style, it uses an abundant of shapes however, these are more symmetrical. https://www.onlinedesignteacher.com/2016/05/graphic-design-styles.html#late-modern -
American Kitsch Style
this style of graphic design included vibrant colors, bold lines, and high quality images of celebrities posed in dramatic ways to increase emotion. https://www.onlinedesignteacher.com/2016/05/graphic-design-styles.html#american-kitsch -
Psychedelic Style
around 1965, the Psychedelic Style appeared to the scene. Is included a lot of bright colors and swirls. There were also words made to look like pictures in order to hallucinate the viewer. https://www.onlinedesignteacher.com/2016/05/graphic-design-styles.html#psychedelic -
Post Modern Style
around the 1970, the started to use collages and overlaid effects of their images. this style didn't have much influence. https://www.onlinedesignteacher.com/2016/05/graphic-design-styles.html#post-modern -
around 1990, Adobe Photoshop was first invented. Evolving the graphic design community as a whole. Photoshop is one of the mos popular softwares today. https://www.creativebloq.com/adobe/history-photoshop-12052724 -
Grunge Style
This style consisted of harsh line and rough textures to give a eerie feel. https://www.onlinedesignteacher.com/2016/05/graphic-design-styles.html#grunge -
Flat Style
Combine a lot of the styles creating the flat style, it consists of bright colors, 2d shapes, and negative space https://www.onlinedesignteacher.com/2016/05/graphic-design-styles.html#flat -
Abstract Swiss Style
Randomly distorts parts of the shape to give an edge of seat feel. Uses minimal shapes and hard lines aswell