Final Cut Pro Tutorial - Old man steal kid's lunch
When we started our AS Media course, we done an introduction to the class then headed to the Macs and started our Final cut pro Tutorial. Some we comfortable, some weren't. -
Camera Tutorial - Physically handling a Film Camera
After doing the Final Cut Pro tutorial, we then had another tutorial for the Film Camera. Knowing around the film camera and how it works. The basic. -
Prelim Task - 50 Second Video, School.
After the Camera tutorial, we then started our Prelim task. It was 50 Seconds long, and we had to film with the scene we were given. -
Swede - 21 Jump Street
We was put into groups of 4 and produce swede, which was pretty much of remaking any choice of film. We decided to remake the film called 21 Jump Street. With the tutorial we had with the Camera and Final cut pro. -
Started to use Blogger to Blog
We then was introduced to Blogger. A website where we have to blog daily of our daily work and practical work. -
Breakfast Club Remake
When the swede was finished, we then looked into Breakfast Club, which was a Teen movie. Our task was ro remake a scene in the movie. -
Pitch for Film opening - Double Trouble
After finishing up the Remake of a scene in Breaskfast Club, We have to pitch and idea for our Short film and present to the class of our idea/pitch. -
Filming for Film Opening
This week, we planned out our schedule for filming. And we started to film on our first day and finished filming within the next 3/4 days. -
Finishing up the Edit for Film Opening
After filming, then post-production came along, and our deadline was around in March, which put pressure on us to finish the edit within the deadline. However, i was ahead of everyone where i started to edit the first day back from the holiday. -
Finishing up the Blogs post
With the project finising such as the Film opneing, so was the blog post, which meant adding extra blog post that we havnt done while filming the project. -
Lip Sync Tutorial - Doing our first ever lip sync
During this day, we started our lip sync tutorial as we knew nothing about this skill and it was really needed to produce a Music Video -
Started Blogging
Back from holidays and started A2 with blogging again!
Blogging about what we learnt from last year work. -
Pitch for our Music Video
We began to brainstrom ideas for our Music video, along with that, we had to pitch our ideas with a Prezi and presented it to the class and record feedbacks. -
Making a short Music video for our skill with Lip Syncing
We made a short video based on our skills about lip syncing. It was to know how music video is produced and it was a short test before filming our main music video. -
Started our Filming for our Music Video
Production. Filming our first ever music video ever. Took about 3/4 days again like last year . -
Finishing up the edit for Music Video
Finishing up the edit for the music video, took longer than we thought as the editing was more challenging -
Started our Ancillary products
After finishing up our music video, we then had to produce a Ancillary where we had to make a CD cover and a advertisment for our brand new music video. -
Finishing up our Ancillary Products
Deadline for Ancillary was very short and had to be completed withint a few weeks.