Agricultural drives and southern soicety
lifeThomas jefferson ,James madison and George washington wanted slavery to fade away. They wanted to shirft from tobacco to wheat in hopes it would undermine the slavery. -
Slaves wanted increased in 1802
In 1802 slaves would go for $600. By 1860 the brice price tipled to $1,800The number of slaved sold increasedc from 1.5 million to 4 million in 1860. -
The origins of industrilization
They could no longer get manufactured goods. So america built there own factories in the North. -
industriliztion takes hold in the north
industryThomas Jefferson wanted to preserve the US as a nation of faermers. -
Tariff of 1816
tariffA tariff on imports made to protect the american industy. This tariff increased the prince of imported manufactured goods by an average of 20 to 25 percent. -
Workers takes action
workersThe workingmans party competed in local and state elections They wanted free public education and laws to limit the working day. -
A larger middle class
The middle class expanded as men worked as bankers lawyers brokers farmers ect. Most workd outside the home but some worked from home like farmers. -
Labor unions of 1834
Lowell mills girls held strikes when the employers cut the wages and increased thier charges for boarding. -
Immigrants arrive from irealand and germany 1840
[immigrants](http:///en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_immigration_to_the_United_States)Middle class and most of the nations farmers had been born in the United States. -
Nativists of 1844
Some politicians in the whig party explotited ethnic tenstions called the nativits. -
1850 slave meanings
slavesIn 1850 Washintong Jeferson and Madison no longer defended slavery as necessary evil but as touted good. -
Immigration booms of 1860
Immigrants comprised more than 40 percent of ne York City. Some working class moved to the midwest including Cincinnati chicago cleavland and detroit.