
Didactic Guide for Unit 9 "The Great Escape"

  • IN CLASS: Reading "Fairy Tale" Part 4

    IN CLASS: Reading "Fairy Tale" Part 4
    Cover of Fairy Tale (Stephen King, 2022). Cover designed by Will Staehle.
  • AT HOME: Classroom

    AT HOME: Classroom
    1. "What do these 5 songs have in common?" Watch and answer!
    2. Flipped Classroom: Third Conditional. Watch and write down questions.
    image with cc0 license, taken from
  • IN CLASS: 3rd Conditional + Fairy Tales

    IN CLASS: 3rd Conditional + Fairy Tales
    Third Conditional exercises and explanation of tropes in fairy tales. image with cc0 license, taken from
  • AT HOME: Classroom

    AT HOME: Classroom
    Watch "The Messed-up Origins of Snow White" image with cc0 license, taken from
  • IN CLASS: Grammar, vocab and listening

    IN CLASS: Grammar, vocab and listening
    Review of grammar seen so far
    Vocabulary related to fairy tales
    Listening to the audiobook of Fairy Tale Part 4 Cover of Fairy Tale (Stephen King, 2022). Cover designed by Will Staehle.
  • AT HOME: Flipped Classroom 2

    AT HOME: Flipped Classroom 2
    Watch the flipped classroom video: grammar presentation on Mixed Conditionals image with cc0 license from
  • AT HOME: Classroom - Quizlet

    AT HOME: Classroom - Quizlet
    Study vocabulary on Quizlet image taken from
  • IN CLASS: Mixed Conditionals, Vocab, Reading

    IN CLASS: Mixed Conditionals, Vocab, Reading
    Mixed conditional exercises
    Vocabulary related to fractured fairy tales
    Reading more of Fairy Tale: Part 4 Cover of Fairy Tale (Stephen King, 2022). Cover designed by Will Staehle.
  • AT HOME: Classroom - Infographic

    AT HOME: Classroom - Infographic
    1. Read and listen to the infographic with step-by-step instructions on how to do the Unit 9 project.
    2. Check Classroom to see which group and fairy tale you've been assigned.
    image taken from, infographic made by Celia Jean Meehan Sammon
  • IN CLASS: Canva presentation

    IN CLASS: Canva presentation
    1. Canva presentation about fractured fairy tales
    2. Watch a fractured fairy tale from Rocky and Bullwinkle
    image taken from, presentation made by Celia Jean Meehan Sammon
  • IN CLASS: Nothing! It's the weekend!

    IN CLASS: Nothing! It's the weekend!
    image with cc0 license, taken from
  • AT HOME: Classroom - Original fairy tales

    AT HOME: Classroom - Original fairy tales
    1. Read the original fairy tale you've been assigned.
    2. Write down the different parts of the story
    3. Read the rubric I'll be using for the gorup presentations
    image with cc0 license, original taken from
  • AT HOME: Classroom - Flipped Classroom 3

    AT HOME: Classroom - Flipped Classroom 3
    Watch the grammar presentation on initial inversion image with cc0 license, taken from
  • IN CLASS: Compare notes, Baamboozle

    IN CLASS: Compare notes, Baamboozle
    Meet with your group and compare notes on the fairy tale you've all read. Baamboozle quiz games about grammar. image taken from
  • IN CLASS: Fracturing the fairy tale

    IN CLASS: Fracturing the fairy tale
    1. Exercises about inversion
    2. Meet with your group and discuss ways that you can fracture your fairy tale.
    image with cc0 license, taken from
  • AT HOME: Classroom - Grammar

    AT HOME: Classroom - Grammar
    Grammar exercises about conditionals and inversion image with cc0 license, taken from
  • IN CLASS: Lab time

    IN CLASS: Lab time
    1. Work together to put the tale of "The Princess and the Bowling Ball" in order.
    2. Go to the computer lab and work with your group on the presentation.
    image with cc0 license, taken from
  • AT HOME: ExeLearning

    AT HOME: ExeLearning
    On Classroom, click the link to the ExeLearning project and do the whole project. Make sure to take screenshots of the completed sections. image taken from
  • AT HOME: Jitsi

    AT HOME: Jitsi
    Continue working on the unit 9 project; set up a time to meet with your group on Jitsi in the meeting room I've set up for you. Image of
  • IN CLASS: Riddle, Reading, vocabulary

    IN CLASS: Riddle, Reading, vocabulary
    1. Riddle: Lateral thinking puzzle
    2. Continue reading Fairy Tale Part 4
    3. Review the vocabulary of the unit
    image with cc0 license, taken from
  • IN CLASS: Reading and Listening

    IN CLASS: Reading and Listening
    Read more of Fairy Tale Part 4 and listen to the audiobook Cover of Fairy Tale (Stephen King, 2022). Cover designed by Will Staehle.
  • AT HOME: NPR interview

    AT HOME: NPR interview
    1. Listen to the interview on National Public Radio with the creators of The Stinky Cheese Man.
    2. Write your script & rehearse – make sure you speak at least for 5 minutes total
    Image taken from The Stinky Cheese Man, written by John Scieszka and illustrated by Lane Smith. Puffin Books, 1993.
  • IN CLASS: Grammar and vocab control

    IN CLASS: Grammar and vocab control
    In the computer lab, do the EvaluM quiz image taken from
  • AT HOME: Upload the presentation

    AT HOME: Upload the presentation
    1. Put the final touches on the presentation
    2. One person from each group must upload the presentation
    original image with cc0 license, taken from
  • HOMEWORK: Nothing!

    HOMEWORK: Nothing!
    How lucky - just take a breather! image with cc0 license, taken from
  • IN CLASS: Presentations

    IN CLASS: Presentations
    Each group presents their fractured fairy tale original image with cc0 license, taken from
  • AT HOME: Assessments

    AT HOME: Assessments
    1. Fill out the self-assessments
    2. Fill out the assessments for the other groups
    image with cc0 license, taken from
  • IN CLASS: Start Unit 10

    IN CLASS: Start Unit 10
    Reading Fairy Tale Part 5 and vocabulary Cover of Fairy Tale (Stephen King, 2022). Cover designed by Will Staehle.