Diary of a Wimpy Kid Rodrick Rules

  • Rodrick

    Greg's brother rodrick is making fun of Greg for getting another "journal"
  • Swim

    Over the summer Greg's dad made him Sign up for the swim team like he does every summer. He always try's to get out of it, but eventually he came up with a plan to stay in the bathroom the whole time
  • Rowly and Greg

    Rowly and Greg
    Rowly's dad does not like Greg because him and Rowly made up a secrete code and said that his dad smells like a woman. Greg's dad mr. Heffly doesn't like Rowly, because he thinks he's clumsy and is going to brake his civil war model.
  • The Prank

    The Prank
    Greg and his friends figured out that their one friend Chirag was going to move and leave the school. apparently it never happened, so they played a Prank on Chirag and pretended he doesn't exist.
  • Mom bucks

    Mom bucks
    Every time Greg or Rodrick did a chore they got a mom buck. a mom buck was only worth a penny. They could cash in their mom bucks whenever they want.
  • Copycat

    Rowly really wanted to be like Greg, so he asked for a diary for his birthday. Greg was curious and looked threw Rowly's diary, but didn't find anything important. Then Rowly started copying what Greg was wareing.
  • The Party (Rising Action)

    The Party                                          (Rising Action)
    Greg's mom and Dad surprised sick Rodrick and Greg, with a trip they were going on. they assumed that it would be no problem because Rodrick was sick. they were wrong when they left Rodrick called all of his friends and had a huge party. :)
  • Basement

    During Rodricks party they locked Greg in the basement. after they told him they needed more tabel's.
  • Leland

    Greg went over to Rowlys so that he could hand out with his babysutter Heather. When he got their she was not their it was this guy named Leland. Eventually Greg learned to like Leland because they played this game called Magick and Monsters.
  • the poem

    the poem
    Greg had to write a poem about what the world was like one hundred years ago. he thought he would get a good grade because his dad did it not Rodrick, but he realized that his dad didn't do his homework until he was in high school.
  • Talent Show

    Talent Show
    The school was doing a tent show and rodrick was in it but Greg would not be the camera man because he was mad at Rodrick. so Greg's mom was the camera woman and was dancing up on stage and stole the thunder.
  • project

    Rodick finally got his project on do plants breath done and he has to thank his wonderful brother Greg for doing it for him.