Diabetes History

  • "Sugar Disease"

    "Sugar Disease"
    Frederick Banting met with John J.R. McLeod who thought he had the idea that glucose and metabolism had a connection.
  • Extract an ingredient from Langerhans

    Extract an ingredient from Langerhans
    They were trying to find and extract the active ingredient in the pancreas.
  • Banting's Inspiration

    Banting's Inspiration
    The pancreas' digestive juice was destroying the islets of Langerhans hormone before it was able to be isolated from it.
  • Getting the Materials

    Getting the Materials
    Banting told McLeod his idea and he laughed at him in return. Eventually though, he was able to persuade him into giving him 10 experimental dogs and a lab assistant.
  • Macleod Leaves

    Macleod Leaves
    Macleod left to go on a trip to Scotland. This is when Banting and his assistant started their trials.
  • Dogs Getting Better

    Dogs Getting Better
    They were able to extract the insulin from the pancreas and give it to the diabetic dogs. This lowered the dogs abnormally high blood pressures. They did if for Macleod when he got back. They got similar results but the purity of insulin wasn't always the same.
  • Chemist To Purify

    Chemist To Purify
    Macleod assigned James Bertram Collip to help them with the purification of the insulin to use.
  • Human tests

    Human tests
    Within six weeks of the purification of the insulin they felt comfortable testing the insulin on a 14 year old boy who was dying of diabetes. The test worked as the boy's blood sugar was lowered, as well as his urine not having any sugar or signs of disease in it.
  • Changing History

    Changing History
    About a month after their successful trials they published their paper on their research and findings.
  • Nobel Prize

    Nobel Prize
    They won the Nobel Prize for their discovery and each shared some of their earnings with the researchers who helped them.