
History of DIabetes

  • Jan 1, 1552

    First Sign of Diabetes

    First Sign of Diabetes
    First known mention of diabetes when Hesy-Ra,(Egyptain physician) documented frequent urination as a symptom of mysterious disease that also known as emaciation. Also, ancient healers noted ants seemed to be attracted to the urine of people who had this disease
  • Sugar Found in Urine

    Sugar Found in Urine
    When first researchers developed a way to test for sugar in urine
  • Eating Sugar

    Eating Sugar
    Priorry, a French Physician called for diabetic patients to eat sugar, unfortunately he was wrong
  • In the 1900's

    In the 1900's
    Test: Test for grape-sugar in urine
    Treatment: daily alkaline sponge bath applied with vigrouf friction, creosote/clear opium to limit urine, no foods with sugar, very strict diet of meat and drink little water
    Prognosis: Coma, soon death
  • Discovering of Insulin

    Discovering of Insulin
    Discovery of insulin in 1921 in Canada by Fredrick Banting, which he read about the association between the pancreas and diabetes, After many failures, he prepared an extract from the atrophied pancreas of a dog. The control dog, (with no insulin) died when the one with insulin lived three weeks later
  • First Boy

    First Boy
    A 14- year old boy became the first human patient to recieve insulin made by Banting and Best
  • Another injection of insulin

    Another injection of insulin
    Purified injections developed by Collip were given starting Jan. 23. This time the patient's glucose levels dropped. This led to researchers and collaborations to produce insulin in the US and Latin America. (Toronto and Lily)
  • Crystallizing Insulin

    Crystallizing Insulin
    J.J Abel recieved the Nobel Prize for discovering this
  • Connections

    This is when the first links between kidneys, eye disease, and diabetes were linked
  • In the 1950's..

    In the 1950's..
    Tes:t Full exam including eye exam, pulse, urinalysis
    Treatment: special diet, atabalize blood sugar with insulin (80g protein, 80g fat, 160 g carbs, no alcohol and inject with insulin
    Prognosis: Should be controlled in the next 3-5 months
  • Different Types

    Different Types
    Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes were officially identified . Type 1 (juvenile diabetes) pancreas produces little to no insulin. Type 2 is when your body metabolizes sugar, which is your bodys important source of fuel
  • Glucose Strips

    Glucose Strips
    These strips were invented for dropping blood onto a shet of paper which allows it to dry for a minute and then a doctor can compare the color to test for glucose levels in the bloos
  • Molecule of Insulin

    Molecule of Insulin
    A 3-D structure of insulin molecule was discovered by Dorothy Hodgin
  • Analogue Insulin

    Analogue Insulin
    Eli Lilly markets it under the trade name Humalog. Analogue insulin is a genetically modified form of insulin whereby the amino acid sequence is altered to change how the insulin is absorbed, distributed, metabolized and excreted.
  • In the early 1990's

    In the early 1990's
    Tes: Urinalysis and blood test for glucose
    Treatments: admit to intensive care unit, inject insulin and fluids, monitor glucose, potasium, electrolytes, and see a ophthamolosist for eyes
    Prognosis: Should have a good life
  • Afrezza

    An inhalants insulin is available. This is a rapid-acting form of human insulin that is inhaled throughthe mouth. (type 1 or type 2)
  • Happening Today...

    Happening Today...
    Today people can test their blood sugar levels are at home and can be treated accordingly