The Begining
If you have diabetes during this time period your changes of surviving were not very bright. In fact druing this time the treatment were daily sponge baths applied with vigorous firction prescribing sugar to help lead to restrict the flow of urine. But watch your diet no food containg sugar. Diet should be tender fresh meats and suppress urge to drink. -
The discovery of insulin happened in canada by Fredrick banting he failed on his own so he collaberated with J.B Colip . They had isolated two other dogs with diabetes. The gave one dog the extract and the other without the antibiobic substance. Four days later the dog with out the anatibictios died and the other with survived. -
The in jnjection
A 14 year old boy was the first human to receive the insulin treatments. This failed but when purfied injections were develeped by Colip. These fixed medicines was then given to the boy and in 1922 january 23 it was a sucessful and paitents blood glucose levels droped. -
Insulin backround
Insulin was crystallized in 1926 by J.J abel. It is when two chains of 51 amio acids. These are linked by disulphide bridges by fredick sanger of cambridge. -
The need for more
First insulin was quick and short it had to be injected twice daily. it was so sussful that it was running short and in 1936 protaine zinc was introduced. -
New foundation
In 1940 the American Diabetes Assciation is founded. This was founded for the increasing numbers of cases of diabetes. -
If someone were diagosised with diabetes in the 1950 the treatment include treatment process has gotten better than in the past . Treatments inculde special diet which will stabilizes youe blood with insulin. 80 grams of fat and 160 of craboydrote no alchoal and you would have to give yourself a urine test and you have to inject yourself with insulin. -
Better treatments
Treatments begain to get better with time. ICU in hospitals have gotten better with avablie to help patients dealing with thier dibetus. BY doing this it will help with the body's levels of glucose and potassim and the electrolytes. Also daily insulin injections and doining a restrictive diet. -
New medicine
Later on within the years new medicines were countinued to grow and approved by the FDA suc h as metformin and SGLT2 Inhibitors which help lower blood sugar.