
  • 1000

    Discovery of symptoms of diabetes

    More than 1000 years ago, the abnormal appetite & collapse of sexual functions, and identification of sweet taste of urine were recognized by a Persian physician.
  • 1400

    “Honey” Taste

    In the middle age, Thomas Willis associated the sweet taste of urine with diabetes mellitus taste like honey.
  • Effect of pancreas on diabetes

    Oscar Minkowski linked diabetes to pancreatic functions by testing the effects of removal of the pancreas from dogs.
  • Discovery of Insulin

    A pancreatic extract, insulin, as the key molecule that restored function.
  • Clinical Treatment of Diabetes

    Insulin was used in clinical treatment and successfully treated a little boy who was dying of diabetes.
  • Contribution to Insulin

    Diabetes lay the foundation for the first synthetic production of insulin.
  • Large supply of Insulin for treatment

    Insulin can be produced in large quantities instead of relying on crude isolation of insulin from animals.
  • Still Modern Problem

    Even though the treatment has made great progress, the incidence rate of diabetes is still increasing, which is still a modern problem.