
By deadkid
  • Jackie Robinson

    Jackie Robinson
    he was put on 1st base and broke the color barrier
  • Brown V. board of ed

    Brown V. board of ed
    allowed blaks to be in schools that whites where at
  • Montgomery bus boycott

    Montgomery bus boycott
    was a protest of the busess for being segregated ended Dec. 20 1956
  • little rock 9

    little rock 9
    1st 9 black to go to a white school
  • sit in

    sit in
    4 students proteseted at a lunch counter about woolworth polocy
  • albany movment

    albany movment
    protset begain
  • birmingham

    was work for eqalu rights in the work place ended may 10 1963
  • evers death

    evers death
    shot in the back going to his house
  • i have a dream

    i have a dream
    i have a dream speech anancted by mlk
  • church boming

    church boming
    boming that kill 4 black by white surpimest
  • 24th

    get rid of poll tax
  • civil rights act of 1964

    civil rights act of 1964
    inprover prottion agins segation
  • x death

    x death
    he was killed by members of the nation of islam
  • march

    part of the voting right movment last march on 25
  • civil rights act of 1965

    civil rights act of 1965
    garented equal protection
  • voteing right act of 1965

    voteing right act of 1965
    sing by LBJ to enforce the 15 amendment
  • watts riots

    watts riots
    riots in la watts naberhood end aug 17 1965
  • MLK death

    MLK death
    mlk was killed by James E.Ray at a hotel
  • Civil rights act of 1968

    Civil rights act of 1968
    allowed inidan rights singn by L B. Jonson
  • black power

    black power
    tom and john does the black power slute at the olympics