Internet was made
@ and the first email were invented
@ and the first email were invented -
More functions were added to email- R.e, Fwd etc were now available
First piece of hardware was sold, you can get online at home
The first 'Spam' was sent to 600 people in California
'Telepaper' was introduced, you were able to read the news online
'Dot Com' was made
Time burners lee created the World Wide Web, where people were able to access the internet and use it
The first web page was made
Amazon.com was set up
Email was made avaliable
Wikipedia was created
Facebook was created
Xbox 360
Xbox 360 was unveiled - connect to the internet and watch films. Technological Convergence -
was made for people to upload random videos to the web -
Google Street View- could browse streets using the internet
The apple iPhone is launched, an example of technological convergence -
created by BBC which meant you could watch TV or listen to the radio online -
Spotify was created as a way to listen to music for free -
iPhone App Store
Apple released the app store officially introducing third-party application development and distribution to the platform.