Developmental Timeline

  • I was born

    I was born
    Erikson's Trust vs. Mistrust Stage: I depended on the care of my mother and father.
    This event is significant because it marks the start of my existance.
  • I started to crawl

    I started to crawl
    Piaget's Sensory-Motor stage: I began to understand to concept of movement and my ability to control my own actions.
    This event is significant because it allowed me to move around more and become more of an individual.
  • I said my first word

    Piaget's Preoperational Stage: I started to learn language and communication.
    This event is significant because language is needed for communication and it was my first step to being able to express myself.
  • I started walking

    Erikson's Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt: My ability move expanded which shows my understanding of self control.
    This event is significant because it increased my ability to move around and therefore do more for myself.
  • I started ballet

    I started ballet
    Erikson's Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt: I started to make my own decisions and decided to take a class.
    This event is significant because I discovered my passion and found a hobby.
  • I started high school

    I started high school
    Piaget's Formal Operational Stage: my thoughts became more abstract and I understood more complex concepts.
    This event is significant because I began to prepare for my future and the rest of my life.
  • I will graduate high school

    I will graduate high school
    Kohlberg's Postconventional Morality-Social Contract and Individual Rights; I will recognize that people have different opinions and rules.
    This event will be significant because I will be more responsible for myself and I will be more independant.
  • I will join a ballet company

    Erikson's Intimacy vs. Isolation: i will have a better sense of identity and I will start providing for myself.
    This event will be significant because it will be when I become mostly dependant on myself and mre of an individual.
  • I will retire from ballet and go to college

    Kohlberg's Postconventional Morality-Universal Principles; I will be an older adult and therfore be able to understand my beliefs as well as others without regaurd to formally established rules.
    This event will be significant because it is the end of a chapter in my life but I will start something new.
  • I will graduate from college and become a pharmacist

    Erikson's Generativity vs. Stagnation: I will become more focused on a long lasting and stable career.
    This event will be significant because it is a change in my lifestyle and direction of my life.