Developmental Timeline

  • My birthday

    The day I was born and started in the first stage of Erikson of trust vs. mistrust.
  • Period: to

    Life span

    From womb to tomb.
  • First Steps

    This is the first stage of Cognitive development. I used scenes to experience the world.
  • First Word

    This would be identified as Piaget's second stage or preoperational stage. The use of words without any logical reasoning
  • Start Lower School

    This is the begging of concrete operational. I use and understand logical reasoning.
  • Finish High School

    This would be identified as Piaget's final stage of formal operations. I am now at the age progress from adolescence to adulthood. In this period, the goal is to understand and endure abstract concepts.
  • Getting Bachelor's degree

    I am now done with 4 years of college. During which I've moved from adolescence stage of identity vs. role confusion, to young adult stage of intimacy and isolation
  • Getting Married

    I am now in the 6 of Erikson's theory. I am learning about intimacy vs. isolation.
  • Raising my children

    I am now a Middle Adult in Erikson's stage 7. I am learning about generality vs. stagnation.
  • My death

    This is the very end of Erikson's last stage, integrity vs. despair.