Sensorimotor stage
My grandma brought me to the park and I started crying every time a stranger walked near me.
In Piaget's sensorimotor stage, babies start to develop anxiety to strangers. -
Toddlerhood Stage (Autonomy vs. same and doubt)
According to Erikson, children learn to exercise their will and to accomplish things for themselves in the toddlerhood stage. At age 3, I chose to try and make a sandwich by myself. This is important because I started to believe in myself and that I can accomplish things myself, and that I am very capable. -
Preconventional Morality
According to Kohlberg, in the pre-conventional morality level, a child does the right thing to avoid punishment or to gain rewards. At school, I did my classwork and homework to get gold stars, which we could collect and "buy" rewards from the teacher. This is important because I start to know what is right and wrong, which later on I will learn to do without having rewards or punishments. -
Preoperational Stage
According to Piaget, children about age 2 to 6/7 represent things with words and images and use their intuitive reasoning. At 6 years old, I enjoyed pretending the floor was lava and jumped around the house without touching the floor. -
Concrete Operational
According to Piaget, children about 7 years of age to 11 years start thinking logically about events and understand analogies and perform arithmetical problems. I started taking math tutoring to help me be ahead of others in class. This is important that I start understanding the world around me and can start thinking logically. -
Conventional Morality
According to Kohlberg, in the conventional morality stage, a person does the right thing because they know it is right or they want approval. I volunteered at school to help set up and clean up for a school event. -
Formal Operational Stage
According to Piaget, in the formal operational stage, age 12 to adulthood, we able to think abstractly and problem-solve. In class, we were given 20 sticks, a meter of tape, and a marshmallow and was instructed to get the marshmallow as high off the group as possible. In our groups, we were able to make a structure to hold a marshmallow 2 feet off the ground. This is important because I am developing my ability to think around a problem. -
Postconventional Morality
According to Kohlberg, in the post-conventional morality stage, a person does the right things due to their own beliefs. As I was walking down the street, the person in front of me dropped some money and I picked it up to return it to them. I did this because I knew it was not mine to take and it is right to return it. This is important because I am strengthening my own beliefs and can make the right decision based on it. -
Young adulthood (Intimacy vs. isolation)
According to Erikson, at this stage, people struggle to form close relationships with others and try to find intimate love. I want to be married to someone I love. If I do not, might feel socially isolated -
Middle Adulthood (Generativity vs. stagnation)
In this stage, people want to feel as if they are contributing to the world. I will be helping my children by taking care of my grandchildren. Without feeling that I am contributing, I may feel a lack of purpose.