Developmental Timeline

  • Conception

    Nine months before my birth, my genotype was established.
  • From Embryo to Fetus

    Despite desperate attempts by mother to end the pregnancy, I developed into a fetus.
  • Parents were married.

    Parents were married.
    After finally accepting that she would have a baby, my mother agreed to marry my father.
  • Birth

    my mother went to all prenatal visits, followed advice of her obstetrician, avoided tetrogens, and generally took good care of herself during the last 6 months of my prenatal development. I was born with only one flaw, A Patent Ductus Arteriosis in my heart. This resolved quickly.
  • The First Two Years: Biosocial Development

    The First Two Years: Biosocial Development
    I was a chubby baby. Because it was frowned upon, at that time, I was not breastfed. My mother says that I always wanted to eat. She fed me on a schedulne, not on demand. When solid foods were introduced, I cried between spoonfuls, and she could not feed me fast enough. I had normal vision and hearing. I didn't really crawl much. My mom states I would roll to where ever I wanted to go. At about one year I started to walk.
  • The Frist Two Years: Cognitive Develoment

    The Frist Two Years:  Cognitive Develoment
    Sensorimotor and Language. My first words were "Da Da". My moms states that once I started talking, I talked all the time. We didn't have much money, so my mom didn't have much to do except read to me. She read to me all the time, and I loved it.
  • The First Two Years: Psychosocial Development:

    The First Two Years: Psychosocial Development:
    The development of social bonds. My mother did not work, and was my main caregiver, therefore I had a secure attachment to my mother. My father worked a lot, but still spent time playing with me encouraging social confidence. I also had many grandparents and great-grandparents to whom I developed bonds and social confidence with.
  • The Play Years: Psychosocial Dev, Parents Divorce

    The Play Years:  Psychosocial Dev, Parents Divorce
    My parents are divorced, due to increased drinking by my father. My father moves to Texas. My mother starts college which requires me to spend lots of time with my childcare family, grandparents, and great-grandparents.
  • The Play Years: Biosocial Development

    The Play Years:  Biosocial Development
    My baby fat has finally disappeared, and I am of normal BMI.
    I was a healthy eater, and I was not picky about what I ate. Interesting note here is that i I was supposed to be left-handed, but my grandmother had a hard time as a left handed child, so she convinced my mother to force me to be right handed.
    liked to ride my tricycle. My parents were divorced, so I spent lots of time w
  • The Play Years: Cognitive Dev, Preschool

    The Play Years:  Cognitive Dev, Preschool
    Language. I started Preschool. I already knew how to read some words when I started preschool, and was reading pretty well by the time I entered kindergarten.
  • The Play Years: Cognitive Development, 1st Grade

    The Play Years: Cognitive Development, 1st Grade
    Piaget: Preoperational Thinking or magical and self-centered thinking.
  • The Play Years: Psychosoc, Dev, Mom graduates, Guilt

    The Play Years: Psychosoc, Dev, Mom graduates, Guilt
    Iniative vs. Guilt: My Mother graduates and becomes a nurse. She works afternoon shift. More time spent with Authoritarian childcare family. I start to feel sad a lot about being away from my mother so much, and never seeing my father. I think I wondered if it was my fault.
  • The School Years: Biosocial, 2nd Grade

    The School Years: Biosocial, 2nd Grade
    Remember spending lots of time on the monkey bars at recess
  • The School Years: Psychosocial Dev, More time with grandparents

    My childcare family divorces and my childcare mom remarries. There are now 6 children in the family which is fun, but she becomes even more authoritarian. My mother continues to have poor relationships with abusive men. I spend a lot more time with my grandparents.
  • The School Years: Biosocial Development

    The School Years:  Biosocial Development
    Physically healthy, no formal team athletics, but spend plenty of time playing outside with friends.
  • The School Years: Cognitive Dev, Lead Role in 5th Grade Play

    The School Years:  Cognitive Dev, Lead Role in 5th Grade Play
    Concrete Operational Thought. Working and long term memory established. I had the lead role, with lots of lines, in my 5th grade play!
  • Adolescence; Biosocial and Psychosocial

    Adolescence; Biosocial and Psychosocial
    Biosocial: Beginning of puberty.
    Psychosocial: Standing in wedding of babysitter's family
  • Adolescence: Biosocial and Psychosocial

    Adolescence: Biosocial and Psychosocial
    Have finished puberty. Attending 9th grade dance with friends
  • Adolescence: Cognitive

    Adolescence:  Cognitive
    I am in10th grade. Formal Operational thought. Better thinking. I am taking advanced classes in high school and getting good grades.
  • Emerging Adult: Cognitive

    Emerging Adult:  Cognitive
    Graduated 7th in my class from High School.
  • Emerging Adult: Biosocial

    Emerging Adult:  Biosocial
    Beginning college. Strong body, sexuality.
  • Emerging Adult: Psychosocial

    Emerging Adult:  Psychosocial
    Sorority Party, hanging out with the sisters.
  • Emerging Adult: Biosocial

    Emerging Adult: Biosocial
    Sexuality leads to birth of our daughter, Amanda
  • Emerging Adult: Psychosocial

    Emerging Adult: Psychosocial
    Young parenthood is hard. Mark and I broke off our relationship not long after this photo was taken in our apartment in which we were cohabitating.
  • Adulthood: Cognitive

    Adulthood: Cognitive
    25 years old. Graduation from nursing school. I am finally an adult.
  • Adulthood: Psychosocial

    Adulthood:  Psychosocial
    Mark and I finally settle our differences and we are married.
  • Adulthood: Biosocial

    Adulthood:  Biosocial
    Alec is born.
  • Adulthood: Biosocial

    Adulthood:  Biosocial
    Adam is born.
  • Adulthood: Psychosocial

    Adulthood:  Psychosocial
    Marriage and Caregiving: Happy family life.
  • Adulthood: Biosocial

    Adulthood:  Biosocial
    I developed Graves Disease, which eventually caused me to have my thyroid rendered inactive via radiation.
  • Adulthood: Psychosocial

    Adulthood: Psychosocial
    Family Vacation.
  • Late Adulthood Psychosocial

    Late Adulthood Psychosocial
    Alec with Grandpa Meddaugh, my last living grandparent.
  • Adulthood, Cognitive:

    Adulthood, Cognitive:
    College again! I have started taking courses to finish my BSN.
  • Late Adulthood: Psychosocial

    Late Adulthood: Psychosocial
    Amanda has received her Masters degree and is teaching in Chile. Alec is a sophomore and Adam is in his last semester of middle school. Mark and I are spending more time with friends
  • Late Adulthood: Biosocial

    I expect to remain physically active. We plan to move to a warmer climate where we can spend a lot of time outside.
    Hopefully, golfing, gardening, daily walks. I hope to maintain health, but will probably have some hearing deficits, as I already do.
  • Late Adulthood: Cognitive

    I plan to retire about this time, but will continue to work casually in some sort of outpatient setting, like Lactation Consulting. Hopefully, I will have finished my BSN, so that I can also teach clinicals.
  • Late Adulthood: Psychosocial

    Hopefully, I will be spending more time with my husband, as we will retire. Maybe we will also have some grandchildren to play with. Would be nice to be in some sort of retirement area, so that we can spend time with friends too.
  • Death

    Death at 97 years of age, per prediction of the life expectancy calendar.