Embryonic Development
This is week 5 of after conception. At this point arms and legs are begin their emergence. Already, at about 22 days after conception a neural tube was formed. In the fourth week a head consisting of eyes, ears, nose, and moth have formed. Also a heart and vessels start to work. -
Second Trimester
The second trimester has just finished. By this point my female organs had developed during the third month. In the fourth, fifth and sixth month (Second Trimester), body systems start to become stronger. There are stronger heartbeats as well as a digestive system and excretory system. Hair, fingernails, toenails, and eyelashes appear. Mentally the nervous system develops at this point in pregnancy. This is done by the formation of neurons and brain parts developing and connecting. -
Final Trimester
During the last trimester, my neurological, respiratory, and cardiovascular system matured. Lungs start to function and blood vessels fully mature. During this time I started to rapidly gain weight. Also I started to strengthen the relationship with my mother with the help of the development of my auditory system. I become used to my mother's voice and feelings. -
Happy Birthday to me! Baby Girl: 21 inches, 7 lbs 1 oz. Born at 9:59 p.m. -
First 2 years - Biosocial - Creeping
I started to creep at this time. A week later I started to crawl on my own. -
First 2 years - Cognitive - Patty Cake
This is considered the third stage of development and consists of secondary circular reactions. -
FIrst 2 Years - Biosocial - Sleep
At eight months, I was sleeping through the night from 7p.m. - 7 a.m. without fail. My parents used a method to help me sleep once I was ready to sleep through the night without needing to be fed. The program had them leave me to cry myself to sleep and after a couple days I slept 12 hours every night. -
First 2 years - Psychological - Wave good-bye
I was able to recognize my parents and wave. I would wave when I saw them coming home and leaving. This shows I developed an emotional connection to show excitement for my parents. -
First 2 years - Cognitive - Talks
My first word was "mama" I said it as I got up from my nap. -
First 2 years - Biosocial - Walking
I started to walk (although not steadily) at around 11 months. -
Early Childhood - Biosocial - Climbing
I was very active and enjoyed climbing steps, chairs, and beds. -
Early Childhood - Psychosocial - Playing
At this age I had many friends and attended preschool. I loved to go to my neighbors house and play dolls. We also loved to create scenarios and play outside. -
Early Years - Biosocial - Write Name
I learned how to write my name. -
Middle Childhood - Biosocial - Dance
I took up dance lessons at 5 for a year. I loved to dance around my house, but I hated the lessons and trying to dance in a choreographed manor. -
Early Childhood - Cognitive - Reading
I learned how to read. My first book was "Cookie's Week." -
Middle Childhood - Cognitive - Memory
My family took a trip to Disney world and this is one of my early memories I can actually identify the time so I consider it my first. I remember only going through Minnie Mouse's house, but I remember the colors and being pushed in a stroller. -
Middle Childhood - Psychosocial - Peer Influence
After first grade my mom finally let me grow out my bangs. I had noticed that the majority of my friends did not have them, therefore, I did not want them either. -
Middle Childhood - Biosocial - Sports Team
At seven I joined the Plymouth Canton Cruisers, a swim team. I swam with this team for 7 years after that. -
Middle Childhood - Psychosocial - Baptism
I was baptized in my church on this date. In church that was solidification of membership much like first communion for Catholics. This created a support system to help foster a way to help explain things in the world through religion. -
Adolescence - Biosocial - Puberty
I had my first period at this time. -
Adolescence - Cognitive - Religion
I started to develop my own ideas about religion at this time. I had grown up in a Christian church, but as a teenager I felt that I needed to try an examine other choices of religion rather than have my parents pick for me. This was both a combination of rebellion and a need to find religion in my own way. -
Adolescene - Psychosocial - Romance
I had my first "love" at this time with guy. Looking back it was probably only puppy love, but it still felt like a big deal at the time. -
Emerging Adulthood - Cognitive - College
I finished my second year of college. At this point I have started to examine the truths of what I am taught and learn more on my own. I appreciate information given with data to back it up and question information without that credibility. The text describes this as Realtivism. -
Emerging Adulthood - Psychosocial - Romance
I started dating my boyfried at this time. We have been together since this time and are involved in a long-term commited relationship with hope of a future together. -
Emerging Adulthood - Biosocial - Graduation
I graduated hight school. -
Emerging Adulthood - Biosocial - Sex
I become sexually active at this time. -
Emerging Adulthood - Psychosocial - Job
I received a promotion to a supervisory position at my college. I recognize this job not as my life-long career, but as a position that will help me on the way to where I am going. Clearly I am good at my job to receive a promotion to credit that, but it is also something I enjoy doing. -
Adulthood - Psychosocial - Family
I hope to begin a biological family of my own at this point and have children. I will experience being a caregiver and parent. -
Adulthood - Cognitive - Expertise
I will have been involved in the field of physical therapy for quite some time at this point and I would like to be considered an expert. I want co-workers to know I have the answers at this point and be well respected in my field. -
Adulthood - Psychosocial - Marriage
I hope to reach a 25th anniversary and be happy in my marraige at this point. -
Adulthood - Biosocial - Menopause
I am guessing I will reach menopause around this time based off family history. -
Late Adulthood - Biosocial - Secondary Aging
I will develop secondary aging qualities. For example my mother around this age developed arthritis. -
Late Adulthood - Psychosocial - Retirement
I love to work and I hope that I will still be working late into my 70s. -
Late Adulthood - Cognitive - Memory
I think that my working memory will be doing pretty well in terms of vocabularly, but definitely I will be experiencing brain slowdown, My grandpa did crossword puzzles everyday and was as sharp as can be. I hope that when I get older I am able to keep up my memory like him. In terms of long-term I want to share stories with my grandkids like none other. -
Death & Dying - My Death
According to the Age Calculation activity in class, it shared my potential to live to 94 years old. I believe this is pretty accurate considering genetics. My grandparents passed away at 95 and 92, both giving me a nice longevity gene.