Born 2:36 a.m (Biological)
Biological -
Tupac signed my diaper(pyschical)
first tooth(biological)
First Steps (biological)
biological -
First Birthday (Social)
Social -
Enter Preschool (Cognitive)
Entered Kindergarten (Cognitive)
Broke my leg(Pysical)
Went to Jamaica(Social)
Got perfect attendence(Cognitive)
Went to double ductch camp(social)
Broke arm(physical)
First Car Accident(Pysical)
Got suspended(cognitive)
broke foot
Went to Miami (Socia)
Went on Cruise(biological)
Went to Paris(Social)
Cut hair(physical)
Went on shopping spree(physical)
parties with wale(social)
Meets Barack Obama(Social)
Met Drake(Social)
Graduates USC(cognitive)
Takes mom to Jamaica(Social)
Graduates law school
Opens a Foster/Adoption Agency(social0
Gets MarriedSocial)
Has Twins(Biological)
Moves to Brazil(Cognitive)
Opens law firm(Cognitive)
Goes BungeeJumping(Cognitive)
Grandchildren Born (biological)
Moves into my mansion(cognitive)
Renews Vows(Social)
Husband has a stroke(physical)
Breaks Back(pyhsical)