I was born. (Biological)
I learned to walk. (Biological)
Started school. (Biological)
Played Softball. (Physical)
Learned to Drive. (Cognitive)
Met Wale. (Social)
Get 1st Car. (Social)
Traveled to New Mexico. (Social)
Met President Obama. (Social)
Met Rev. Jesse Jackson. (Social)
Got Full Provisional License. (Biological)
Graduated Highschool. (Biological)
Graduate from College. (Biological)
Go to Law School.
Learned to Speak Spanish Fluently. (Cognitive)
Passed Bar Exam. (Cognitive)
Become a Lawyer. (Social)
Get Engaged. (Social)
Get 1st Offical Car- Range Rover. (Social)
Get Married. (Social)
Buy 1st Home. (Social)
Have 1st Child. (Biological)
Go to Italy. (Social)
1st Child Learns to Talk. (Cognitive)
1st Child learns ABC's & 123's. (Cognitive)
Start Own Non-Profit. (Social)
1st Child Starts School. (Biological)
Partner with a Charity Foundation. (Social)
Elected to be a Judge. (Biological)
1st Child becomes Cheerleader. (Physical)
1st Child Learns How to Drive. (Cognitive)
1st Child Graduates High School. (Biological)
Open Own Law Firm. (Biological)
1st Child Graduates College. (Biological)
Open a School in Africa. (Social)
1st Grandchild is Born. (Biological)
Travel to Rome. (Social)
Husband Dies. (Social)
Donate a Portion of All Assests to Charity. (Social)
I die. (Biological)