Way way back
The zygote enters a two week period of rapid cell division, it is a fertilized egg, and it develops into an embryo.
Prenatal development -
Way way back
The developing human organism from 2 weeks through second month.
Prenatal development -
Way Way back
The developing human organism from 9 weeks after conception to birth -
Sensory motor period -
Period: to
1 month - 2 years old
Jean Piaget Part 1
Cognitive Development Theory
Sensorimotor stage
Babies start experiencing and exploring the world stricltly through their senses. One of the major challenges of this stage is to develop object permenence. Babies at first do not realize that objects continue to exist even when they are out of the sensory range. At this time I could hear my mother well, but I could not see her well. -
Period: to
1 month- 2 years old
Jean Piaget part 2
Cognitive development
I also did not understand that my toys still existed even they are out of the sensor -
12 days after birth
Sensory motor period
The Newborn's senses
A baby's preferences is human voices and faces, and smell. -
1- 24 months (1 year old)
Piget's 4 stages of cognitive development
Sensory motor period
Rooting reflex
Tendency to open mouth, and search for nipple when touched on the cheek.
Ego centric because he is unable to consider anyone els's needs, wants, or interests.
I started walking
I started saying sentences
I am interested in object for the object's own sake -
Period: to
2- 7 years old
Jean Piaget
Cognitive Development
Acquiring the scheme of object permanence prepares a child to start to use symbols to real- world objects. This ability is the beginning of language. We start speaking our first words and gradually learn to represent the world more completely through language. Children in this stage are also egocentric in their thinking.
In this stage I began saying my first words Mom and Dad, and I said saying cat after seeing how a cat looks. -
25- 36 months (2 years old)
Piget's 4 stages of cognitive development
Pre- operational stage
Characterized by ego centric thought
I cannot adopt alternative viewpoints; I cannot think from another person's perspective
'Animism' is when a person has the belief that everything that exists has some kind of consiousness.
Anal stage: When I was 2 years old I started using the toilet , and I stopped using diapers. . -
37- 48 months (3 years old)
Piget's 4 stages of cognitive development
Pre- operational stage
I went to Disney World, Universal Studios and Universal Islands of Adventure in Orlando, Florida, and my family and I stayed in my Grandparents' house. -
49-60 months (4 years old)
Piget's 4 stages of cognitive development
Pre- operational stage
At 4 years old I am in the first year of kindergarden in Sunshine -
Period: to
5-6 years old
Lawrence Kohlberg
Moral development My moral reasoning now is limited to how the choice affects me. -
61- 72 months ( 5 years old)
Piget's 4 stages of cognitive development
Pre- operational stage
Last year of kindergarden in Sunshine
Preconventional Lawrence Kohlberg
My moral reasoning now is limited to how I chose affects me. -
73- 84 (6 years old)
Piget's 4 stages of cognitive development
Pre- operations stage
I moved to AISJ for first grade when I was in 6 years old -
85- 96 months (7 years old)
Piget's 4 stages of cognitive development
Pre- operational stage
I am in second grade in AISJ -
Period: to
8- 12 years old
Part 2
also learned that a house that has a flat roof which is a square, and a house that has a roof of a triangle, is still a house. -
Period: to
8- 12 years old
Jean Piaget Part 1
Cognitive development
Concrete Operations
Children think more logically about complex relationships between different characteristics of objects. Children also realize that properties of objects remain the same even when their shapes change.
In this stage I learned to see what the animal is from the characteristics of how the animal looks. I learned that that the animal that has a tail, four legs and he slobbers is a dog. -
97- 108 (8 years old)
Piget's 4 stages of cognitive development
Concrete operational stage
I am in 3rd grade in AISJ
During this stage, children begin to think logically about concrete events. -
109- 120 (9 years old)
Piget's 4 stages of cognitive development
Concrete operational stage
I was in 4th grade in AISJ -
Period: to
10-15 years old
Moral development
Lawrence Kohlberg
I start evaluating the moral choice based on how others view them. Once I by accident I destroyed someone's school project in 5th grade, but I learned that the moral choice was to say sorry to Mrs. Light and then I said sorry to the student, and I
fixed the students' school project. -
121- 132 months (10 years old)
Piget's 4 stages of cognitive development
Concrete operational stage
Fifth grade in AISJ -
133- 144 (11 years old)
Piget's 4 stages of cognitive development
Concrete operational stage
5th grade again in AISJ -
Period: to
12- 22 years old
Jean Piaget
Cognitive development Formal operations
Formal operational reasoning is abstract reasoning. We can manipulate objects and contrast ideas in our mind without physically seeing them or having real- world correlates. One example of abstract reasoning is hypothesis testing.
Now I can hypothesize that we need oxygen to live, and that trees need water without any real- world model. -
144- 156 (12- 13 years years old)
Piget's 4 stages of cognitive development
Formal operational stage
I was in 6th grade and 7th grade in AISJ
I travelled to Abha in 7th grade -
157- 168 months (13 years old)
Piget's 4 stages of cognitive development
Formal operational stage
I was in 7th grade in AISJ
I travelled to Switzerland with my family -
169- 180 (14 years old)
Piget's 4 stages of cognitive development
Formal operational stage
I was in 8th grade in AISJ -
181- 192 months (15- 16 years old)
Piget's 4 stages of cognitive development
Formal operational stage
I was in 9th grade in AISJ
This picture was when I was in 16 years old -
Period: to
15- 18 years old
Moral development
Lawrence Kohlberg
I started evaluating a moral choice by using postconventional reasoning examines the rights and values involved in the choice. I do not drive very fast bcause I do not want to get hurt, or hurt others, and I do not want to get a ticket. The value is not getting a ticket, and the moral is not getting hurt
and not not hurting others. -
193- 204 months (16 years old)
Piget's 4 stages of cognitive development
Formal operational stage
I was in 10th grade in AISJ -
205- 216 months ( 17 years old)
Jean Piaget
Cognitive development
Formal operations
I am in 11th grade in AISJ
That picture was in my sister Lamees's wedding -
217- 228 months (18 years old now)
Jean Piaget
Cognitive development
Formal operations
I am in 12th grade in AISJ -
229- 240 months (19 years old)
Jean Piaget
Cognitive development
Formal operations
I start the first year of university in Marist University which is in New York in the major business -
241- 252 months (20 years old)
Jean Piaget
Cognitive development
Formal operations
I will be in the second year of university in Marist in New York in the major business -
253- 264 (21 years old)
Jean Piaget
Cognitive development
Formal operations
I will be in the 3rd year of university in Marist which is in New York -
265- 276 months ( 22 years old)
Jean Piaget
Cognitive development
Formal operations
I will be in the last year of universty in Marist which is in New York -
277- 288 (23 years old)
I started working in the Bank of America in New York, USA -
289- 300 months (24 years old)
Part 1
I travelled to a work trip to Barcelona, and in the weekend I go to FC Barcelona's stadium and they were playing against Real Madrid. In the half time the manager of Barcelona choses me to show my skills, defence, and shoots, and so I show the manager and the manager says to me that I am an amzing soccer player and tells me to come to his office tomorrow to be in FC Barcelona, and so I agree and call my boss in the
ank of America, and I told him that I want to quit my job. -
289- 300 (24 years old)
Part 2
I always loved to play soccer when I was in high school, but I was never in the soccer team, because I was not that good. From paracticing every day in high school, I become an amazing player, and I was chosen to be in the soccer team in Marist. -
301- 312 months (25 years old)
At a FC Barcelona party that Messi and Neymar were with me in the plane to go from Barcelona to Miama,Florida. The party was in Miami. In the party I met a lovely women that I danced with, and she liked me and I liked her. In the next day I bought her a ring to marry me. After the party all the FC Barcelona team are my friends and teamm mates. -
312- 324 (26 years old.
The woman in the party was Angelina Jolie, and I marry her in this year. -
325- 336 (27 years old)
Me and Angelina Jolie my wife travel to Hawaii for our honey moon. After the honry moon we go to Barcelona, Spain ,and I buy a mansion, and my wife and I live there. -
337- 348 months (28 years old)
My second match in FC Barcelona and it is against Real Madrid (El Clasico) , and my wife watches me. The next day my wife gets a baby and it is a boy, and we call him Messi. -
349- 360 (29 years old)
I play against Bayern Mnich in the Champions League and win them, giving Barcelona their second champions league. -
361- 372 ( 30 years old
Integrity vs. despair
Erik Erikson
Toward the end of life, we look back at our accomplishments and decide if we are satisfied with them or not.
In the way to our mansion, someone drives really fast and crashes me, and I bumb into the bar, and I die, and my wife and child are sad. I get a memorial in FC Barcelona's stadium.