The Day I Was Born
I was born on December 22nd 1990. I weighed six pounds 15 ounces. -
Period: to
First Two Years
Begin to start baby talk (Cognitive)
Began babbling, not complete words -
Began to form attachments to family members (Psychosocial)
Began to Crawl (Biosocial)
I began crawling at around nine months (exact date is relative)
(Bisocial) -
Began to Walk (Biosocial)
I began to take my first steps at 11 months and then began walking alone by one year.(Bisocial) -
First time sledding(Biosocial)
1st Birthday
Period: to
Height, weight and sleep
My height and weight were all in the 50th percentile. I was sleeping through the night. -
Spoke First Words (Cognitive)
I began to speak at about a year and one month words like 'mama' and 'baba'. Since then I haven't stopped! -
Began Playdates with other children (Psychosocial)
My first playdate with my old neighbor who is still a close friend til today. -
Began Climbing Stairs (Biosocial)
Began climbing stairs holding on to supports -
2nd Birthday
Period: to
Early Childhood
From age 2 to age 6 -
First time visiting the zoo(cognitive)
3rd Birthday
4th Birthday
First Rode Big Wheel (Biosocial)
This was around 4 years old. All my older cousins were already seasoned pros and I wanted in on the action! -
Only wanted to paint during playtime (Cognitive)
I had an obsesseion with painting and loved wearing my smock! -
Period: to
Elementary School
During this time I completed the grades Kindergarten-5th grade. These were my elementary years. -
Started Preschool (Cognitive)
Began Preschool, first major interaction with kids other than family members. Also first time away from my mother for a majority of the day. -
5th Birthday
First Sleepover(psychosocial)
My cousin had moved into my neighborhood from down South and I finally got to have my first sleepover! -
Began Pre-school (Cognitive)
6th Birthday
Period: to
Middle Childhood
Ages 6-11 -
Joined First Soccer Team(Psychosocial)
Began private tutoring(Cognitive)
7th Birthday
8th Birthday
Started Summer Camp (Psychosocial/Cognitive)
I began summer camp this year! I believe it was both cognitive (there was an element of education) and also psychosocial because I made so many new friends! -
Became a Girl Scout (Psychosocial)
Became a "Junior" girl scout! -
Period: to
Ages 11-18 -
Major Growth Spurt(Biosocial)
All of a sudden I was taller than all the boys in my class! -
Smoked my first cigarette (Biosocial)
The first and last time I ever smoked a cigarette. -
Period: to
Middle School
Between these years I completed Middle School which is 6th-8th grade. -
Began High School (Cognitive)
Learned to Drive(Cognitive)
First started driving lessons! -
Joined Cross Country(Biosocial)
I began working out rigorously for cross country. Became very fit and active at this time. -
Met my Best friend! (Psychosocial)
Met my current best friend of five years! -
Drama Club(Psychosocial)
Started participating in drama club as a member of stage crew! Met a lot of great friends! -
College Courses(Cognitive)
Started taking college courses while still in High School -
Yearbook Club (Cognitive)
Became editor of my schools Yearbook. -
Period: to
Emerging Adulthood
Ages 18-25 -
Graduated From High School (Cognitive)
Finished my high school education -
Volunteering (Psychosocial)
Began Volunteering at Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo New York! -
Graduate College(Cognitive)
Complete my undergraduate Studies -
Get Engaged (Psychosocial)
Get engaged to my college sweetheart -
Run Marathon(Biosocial)
Run my first marathon! -
Start Graduate Program(Cognitive)
Begin my Physicians Assistant Program -
Get Married (Psychosocial)
The Fall Wedding I always wanted. -
Period: to
Ages 25-65 -
Become a Physicians Assistant(Cognitive)
Start Career(Cognitive)
Begin working in a small private practice -
Start Family (Psychosocial)
Have my first child. -
Have second Child(Psychosocial)
Have my second Child -
Have Third Child
Have Fourth Child(Psychosocial)
Start a Charity(Cognitive)
Begin a charity for underpriveleged children in war stricken countries -
Begin Working out more often(Biosocial)
At this age I'll be getting older so excercising and eating healthy will be a much bigger priority. -
Go on First Cruise(Psychosocial)
Time to take some time off and relax! -
Start Menopause (Biosocial)
Go through the changes of menopause :( -
Start Jazz Aerobics(Biosocial)
Start going to the gym for the classes for older adults. -
Join Book Club(Cognitive/Psychosocial)
Retire and spend more time at home with my husband -
My Friends Begin to Pass Away (Psychosocial)
My Husband Passes Away (Psychosocial)
I Die
My long and happy life has ended.