I was born as a baby to my mother in a hospital like millions of other babies around the globe. I was born in Holy Spirit Hosital in Camp Hill. The baby is first introduced to the world, and for the first time, it is outside of the mother. -
Period: to
Infancy from 0 - 2 Years
Infancy is the time when you were very young, and it is considered to be between birth and the time you first learn to walk. Infants are learning about the world, and start to physically develop, including gaining reflexes that will soon disapper. Infants spend a lot of time at home, or in a craddle like object. -
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Piagets Stages of Cognitive Development
Piaget developed a discontinous theory of development. There are four stages in this theory, Sensorimotor stage, the preoperational stage, the concrete operational stage, and lastly the formal operational stage. These are stages of cognitive development for the child. -
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Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development (Preconventional)
6m-18m - Preconventional Stage 1 -Obedience and Punishment
How can I avoid punishment?
18m-5yrs - Preconventional Stage 2 -Sef Interest
What is in it for me? What are the benefits? -
Period: to
Childhood is the time when a young child is growing up. They are learning about the world. They are learning how read, write, speak, and countless other actions, such as games and sports. They go to school to learn and train their brain. They learn how to be nice to other kids and what is appropriate and what isn't. Parents are supposed to care for and teach their children in the first twelve years of their life. -
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Erik Erikson (Psychosocial)
6m-12m -Trust vs Mistrust -Is the world predictable and supportive?
12m-3yrs - Autonomy vs Shame/Doubt -Can I do things myself?
4yrs-6yrs - Initiative vs Guilt -Am I good or bad?
7yrs-11yrs - Industry vs Inferiority -Am I successful or worthless?
Adolescence-Identity vs Role Confusion -Who am I?
Young Adult - Intimacy vs Isolation - Am I loved or alone?
Adult - Generativity vs Stagnation -Will I succeed?
Mature- Ego Integrity vs Despair -Have I lived a full life? -
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Freud's Stages of Psychosexual Development (Part 1)
6mo-18mo-The Oral Stage- Erotic Pleasures are obtained by sucking on objects, such as the thumb. Pleasure seeking by the mouth.
2yrs-3yrs- Anal Stage- Infants pleasure seeking centered on functions on elimination, suck as excreting their waste.
4yrs-7yrs- Phallic Stage- Pleasure seeking focused on the gentials. They get pleasure from interaction with their sexual organs.
7yrs-11yrs- Latency Stage- Sexual thoughts are supressed, the child focuses on developing social and intellectual skills. -
Grasping Reflex
The grasping relfex is an inborn reflex that all normal infacts exhibit. This relfex will slowly fade roughly after three months of age in an infant. The grasping relfex is when something is either placed in the infants hand, or something touches the palm, the infant will grasp the object, with suprising strength. -
Rooting Relfex
The rooting reflex is a primitave reflex that all infants are born with, but as they develop, they will eventually lose it as part of development. The rooting reflex is when an infant will turn his head towards anything that touches or strokes his cheek or mouth area. This is to help with breastfeeding, so the child will find and object that touched his cheek. It disappears around four months of age as they learn to control their movement. -
Babinski Reflex
The Babinski Reflex is another primitive reflex present in infants. When an object is run along the underside of your foot, it will elicit a reaction. In infants, this reaction will be to flare out their toes. This reflex will disappear around two years of age. Although, it is present in adults, but the reaction is the opposite, we curl up our toes and bend our knee upwards. -
Piaget---Sensorimotor Stage
In this first stage that Piaget explained, he said that this stage lasted from approx. zero to two years of age. This is the time that the infant is just starting to learn about the world, and they explore through direct sensory and motor contant. Object permanence and subsequently seperation anxiety first occur in this stage. -
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Kohlberg's Moral Development (Conventional)
5yrs-11yrs -Interpersonal Accord and Conformity
Following social norms and behaving how they should.
Early Adolescence-Young Adult -Authority and Social Order Orientation
Behaving according to the law and order morality. -
Piaget---Preoperational Stage
The second stage in Piaget's cognitive development theory is the preoperational stage. In this stage, the child uses symbols and words and images to represent objects but does not reason logically. They now have the ability to pretend in this stage, so they are able to role play. They are also very egocentric in this stage. This stage is around from two years of age to six years of age. -
Loss of a Parent
When ever an individual looses a loved one, mainly a parent, they go into a state of seclusion and depression. It is a shock and a life altering event. They cannot comprehend why they lost a parent, especially at a young age. A single death can transform your life, and this is a major milestone. Yet, it is not recognized as a major step in life. However, it is one of the more important events. Different people handle it differently, and many go into a state of depression and lonliness. -
Piaget---Formal Operational
Piagets final stage of cognitive development is from twevle years of age and onward. It is the last stage in his discontinous theory of development. He explains that the young adolescent can reason abstractly and can think in hypothetical terms. Thus, they are now about to comprehend justice and honor. They can think of the possible outcomes of their actions, so they now take more responsiblity for their actions. -
Adolescence (Part 1)
Adolescence begins around twelve years old, and is a time of confusion for the young adult. There are many changes taking place, cognitive, personality, and social, as well as problems with adolescence. Cognitive changes include the personal fable, invulnerability, imaginary audience, indecisiveness, argumentativeness, and finding fault with authority figures. There is also socialization through peers instead of parents, forming cliques, and figuring out who they are. Problems include a... -
Adollescence (Part 2)
Some problems with adolescents include a decline in self esteem, which is related to body image, and this is connected to imaginary audience. However, a good body image in their mind provides a sense of satisfaction. Eating disorders can be the result of a poor body image. Depression is common among teenagers. The depressed teens say that no one understands, and they think suicide is the answer. Suicide rates have risen over 600% in the last 60 years among teens, and is realted to drug use. -
Piaget---Concrete Operational
The concrete operation stage developed and explained by Piaget occurs in children around the age of seven through twelve. They are gaining for cognitive ability, but are not fully comprehensive yet. They can think logically as long as there are concrete objects, such as apples and oranges. They can add and subtract due to this, and they can understand conservation. However, they are still not able to understand things like honor, justice, or courage; abstract terms. -
Period: to
Freud's Stages of Psychosexual Development (Part 2)
Early Adolescence-Death
The Genital Stage- Sexual desires are renewed, and individuals seek relationships with others to fufill this desire. -
First Paycheck
Your first paycheck is a significant event. For the first time, you have to show up to a place of employment, and work for the busniess, thus getting money. Often, it is a place that pays minumum wage due to the fact that anyone can work at McDonalds or Wendys. However, you are now making money, and you have to be wise when spending. Going into debt is a bad idea, and also you should not get loans unless you can repay them. You have to be careful with your money. It is a great responsblity -
Early Adulthood
It primarily applies to young adults in their twenties who do not have children, do not live in their own home, or do not have sufficient income to become fully independent in their early to late 20s. It is a time of peak physical health in their entire lives, their brains are still developing until their late twenties, and they start to develop serious and often sexual relationships with others. -
Freshman at College
After highschool, many kids go off to college to obtain a degree, and advance their education in order to make more money. Face it, the majority of people go to college either because they are interested in a career, or want to make a lot of money. This is the first time you are away from home for a long period of time, with little to no responsiblities besides grades. There is no parent supervision, so they have to make decisions for themselves. They have to be careful when making decisions -
Period: to
Kholberg's Moral Development (Post Conventional)
Young Adult-Adult- Social Contract Orientation
The world is viewed as different opinions, and perspectives should be regarded as mutual respect.
Mature- Universal Ethical Principal -Laws are gounded only in the sight of justice, and also they have a principled conscience. -
First Arrest
Although not a happy milestone, it is still a milestone in many peoples' lives. They break the law, and then get caught by the police. Whether it be something harmless like marijuana, or something dangerous like a DUI, you still get sent in front of a judge and possible prison. If a teen gets arrested, they will be scared of what their parents will do to them, or how long the prison sentence will be. It is not a very happy period of time, and it will show up on job applications for life. -
Marriage is the social union between two people who wish to live together and share everything with each other. They are intimate, share responsibilities, chores, information, and comfort each other. They are in love with each other, but in today's day and age, around 50% of the people who get married also get divorced. This means they married pre-maturely. They were so caught up in each other they did not properly think it through. Often times, a married couple will have want to have kids. -
Middle Adulthood
Middle age is the period of age beyond young adulthood but before the onset of old age. Physically, they show signs of aging such as gray hair, skin stretching, wrinkles. They gain body fat. Both men and women loose fertitility as they age, the older they are when they have a baby, the higher the chance something bad will happen. Menopause in women happens anywhere between 45-55, which they can no longer have a baby... -
MidLife Crisis
Around age 40, adult males go through a period of crisis, known as the Midlife crisis. Men start to think about their life, and how much time they may have left. They wonder if their life has been satisfying so far, and worry about what the rest of their life will be like. This can be caused by any type of stressful event, such as being fired, the loss of a loved one, running low on money, maturation of children, etc. This crisis will fade once they overcome the problem that caused it. -
Late Adulthood
Late adult hood starts around the age of 65, give or take a few years depending on the person. They start to physically deteriorate, lose muslce mass, gain disease and cancer. Cognitively, their memory and inteligence starts to worsen, and their mind slows. They can experience lonliness, a loss of identity after retirement, loss of social network, and even depression. However, they can still learn new things and have fun if they have many hobbies and activites to do with friends. -
Empty Nest Syndrome
After adults settle down and have children, and after their children go through high school, they will go to college. When the kids go to college, the adults will feel a sense of lonliness and lack of things to do. This is because so much of their time was spent caring for their children, they do not know what to do now that their children are gone. This can result in depression or a lose of purpose for the parents. The name is derived from when birds leave the nest, leaving parents behind. -
When an individual grows up and makes enough money, they are able to retire, if they saved enough money through out their life. Retirement comes with a lot of freedom. It is their first true freedom in their entire life, besides summer vacation during school. They do not have to report to work. They can find hobbies and activites to have fun. However, it can also result in depression, as they do not know what to do. But it also can result in great fun if they have something to do. -
Old Age
Old age is the period when an individual can no longer take care of themself, when independence declines. It is a period of loss of family, friends, and even their home. It is marked by the gradual loss of illness, disability, and financial dependence. Only about 15% of people 70+ are in nursing homes, suprisingly. Cognitive ability greatly decreases with the onset of Alzheimers and dementia. This can be anywhere between 60-90. Alzheimers destroys memory and thinking abilities. -
Death and Dying
Thanatology is the study of death and dying. Dying occurs in five steps if you know about it. First is the denial stage, where they think it isn't possible they are dying. Another stage is the anger stage, which they are angry at the world, and ask "Why me?". They try to bargain as well, asking for just a little more time if they do something. It is very common that they also go into depression, as they are about to die. Laslty is acceptance, which is a calm time where they embrace death.