Developmental Milestones in Children

  • Period: to

    0 - 5 Years Old

  • 2 Months Old

    2 Months Old
    Can Hold Head Up
    Smoother movements with arms and legs
  • 4 months old

    4 months old
    Holds head steady, unsupported
    Pushes down on legs when feet are on a hard surface
    May be able to roll over from tummy to back
    Can hold a toy and shake it and swing at dangling toys
    Brings hands to mouth
    When lying on stomach, pushes up to elbows
  • 6 months old

    6 months old
    Rolls over in both directions (front to back, back to front)
    Begins to sit without support
    When standing, supports weight on legs and might bounce
    Rocks back and forth, sometimes crawling backward before moving forward
  • 9 Months Old

    9 Months Old
    Stands, holding on
    Can get into sitting position
    Sits without support
    Pulls to stand
  • 1 Year Old - 2 Years Old

    1 Year Old - 2 Years Old
    Movement/Physical Development
    Gets to a sitting position without help
    Pulls up to stand, walks holding on to furniture (“cruising”)
    May take a few steps without holding on
    May stand alone
  • 2 Years Old - 3 Years Old

    2 Years Old - 3 Years Old
    Stands on tiptoe
    Kicks a ball
    Begins to run
    Climbs onto and down from furniture without help
    Walks up and down stairs holding on
    Throws ball overhand
    Makes or copies straight lines and circles
  • 3 Years Old - 4 Years Old

    3 Years Old - 4 Years Old
    Climbs well
    Runs easily
    Pedals a tricycle (3-wheel bike)
    Walks up and down stairs, one foot on each step
    Go down a slide without help
    Pull and steer toys
    Walk in a straight line
    Build a tall tower with toy blocks
    Manipulate clay into shapes
  • 4 Years Old - 5 Years Old

    4 Years Old - 5 Years Old
    Hops and stands on one foot up to 2 seconds
    Catches a bounced ball most of the time
    Pours, cuts with supervision, and mashes own food
    Jump on one foot
    Walk backwards
    Do somersaults
    Cut paper with safety scissors
    Print some letters
    Copy shapes including squares and crosses
  • 5 Years Old - 6 Years Old

    5 Years Old - 6 Years Old
    Stands on one foot for 10 seconds or longer
    Hops; may be able to skip
    Can use the toilet on her own
    Swings and climbs