2 months old
Social- begin to smile
Language- turn head toward sounds
Cognitive- pay attention to faces
Movement- make smoother movements with their arms and legs -
4 months
Social- copies facial expressions like smiling or frowning
Language- begins to babble
Cognitive- responds to affection
Movement- holds head up by themselves -
6 months
Social- likes to look at self in mirror
Language- responds by making sounds
Cognitive- brings things to mouth
Movement- sits without support -
18 months
Social- may have temper tantrums
Language- says several single words
Cognitive- scribbles on their own
Movement- walks alone -
9 months
Social- afraid of strangers
Language- understands "no"
Cognitive- plays peek-a-boo
Movement- crawls -
1 year old
Social- cries when parent leaves
Language- tries to say words you say
Cognitive- copies gestures
Movement- may stand alone, put should be able to pull themselves up -
2 years
Social- gets excited when with other children
Language- follows simple instructions
Cognitive- begins to sort through shapes and colors
Movement- kicks a ball and begins to run -
3 years old
Social- shows a wide range of emotions
Language- talks well enough for strangers to understand
Cognitive- screws and unscrews lid to jar or turns a door handle
Movement- can walk up and down stairs, one foot on each step -
4 years old
Social- Would rather play with other children than by himself
Language- Can say first and last name
Cognitive- Tells you what he thinks is going to happen next in a book
Movements- Hops and stands on one foot up to 2 seconds -
5 years old
Social- Is sometimes demanding and sometimes very cooperative
Language- Tells a simple story using full sentences
Cognitive- Copies a triangle and other geometric shapes
Movement- Uses a fork and spoon and sometimes a table knife