Developmental Milestones

  • Startle Reflex

    Startle Reflex
    A reflex that develops between 28 and 32 weeks. It is a response to a sudden loss in support.
  • Roll over

    Roll over
  • Starts to crawl

    Starts to crawl
  • First Words

    First Words
  • Climbing on stairs

    Climbing on stairs
  • First steps

    First steps
  • Feeding of mainly breast milk and/or formula

  • Begins trying soft foods

    Begins trying soft foods
  • Eating a lot of nutrients like whole milk, yogurt, fruit, and vegetables

  • Bathing in a child-safe tub

  • First haircut

  • Start potty training

  • Move from crib to bed

    Move from crib to bed
  • Using gestures and hand motions

  • Fear of going to preschool

  • Problem-solving with your child to ease fears

  • Get 10-12 hours of sleep every night

  • Kicking a ball or running

  • Eating with utensils

  • Using switches or buttons on a toy

  • Playing with more than one toy at a time