This is when I was born -
Period: to
Experiencing the world through the use of sense such as looking, hearing, tasting, and grasping -
Period: to
Trust Vs. Mistrust
At this stage the infant is unsure about the world around them, so they begin to look towards their caregiver to trust the world around them. If the trust is consistent, they will begin to learn to trust others and those around them and the oppsite is true if are not given effective care -
I efficiently learn to walk all by myself, and I will learn more as I get older -
Raising your head to 45 degrees
I have gained the baility to move my head to a 45 degree angle -
Roll over
I begin to roll over and understand movement -
Sit with Support
I am able to sit with support behind my back so that I do not fall -
Sit without Support
I understand the action and have the ability to sit without the support on my back that holds me upwards -
Pushing myself into standing position
While I am still having trouble actually walking, I am able to place myself into a walking position -
Secure attachment: When a mother is warm and nurturing towards their child, so that when the child is seperated they feel distressed Unsecure attachment: When a child will avoid their mothers because their contact with their mother is not pleasant -
Walking while holding unto furniture
I am able to walk, but only with the assistance of other objects such as furniture to help guide me -
I am now able to creep around the house all by myself without the need of assistance -
Standing alone
I now have the ability to stand by myself without the need of assistance from others or other objects -
Difficult: The child is more irritable and unpredictable in unstable situations
Easy: The child is generally more relaxed and predictable in his eating and sleeping habits
Slow-To-Warm-Up: The child while attempt to resist the situation at first, but become used to it in time -
I efficiently learn to walk on my own, and I will learn more as I get older -
Period: to
Autonomy Vs. Shame
The child will begin to explore their skills and possibilities that they can accomplish as they get older, and it is crucial that their parents enforce the social and physical changes the child is going through -
Period: to
The representation and association of things with other words and images, and utilizing almost no real logical reasoning -
Period: to
Initiative Vs. Guilt
The child is now attempting to find out their purpose in all of this, and tries to find ways to impress their parents and this is often known as the play period -
Period: to
Industry Vs. Inferiority
The child will obtain self-esteem from social groups and actually attempt to find a place in society and impress the competent society that they care about -
Period: to
Concrete Operational
Thinking logically becomes a concurent and regular event, and understanding concrete analogies and performing mathematical operations become common -
Pre-Conventional Morality
Obedience and Punishment: The child will avoid punishment by obeying the laws given to him Individualism and Exchange: The child begins to realize that there are different viewpoints for varying individuals -
The average age of Menarche for girls is the age of 11 -
Period: to
Formal Operational
Abstract reasoning and artistic perspectives become usual, and the understanding of objects that are not there become commonplace -
The average age of spermarche for boys is around the age of 13 -
Changes due to puberty
For boys, they will have an increased amount of hair on their bodies, changes in voice, growth of body and growth of sexual organs including the ability to ejaculate For girls, they too will experience the increase of hair on their bodies and physical growth, but will also notice breast development and the beginning of menstruation and periods -
Period: to
Identity Vs. Role Confusion
At this stage the child is going through puberty, and trying to find their place in the world and their personality and who they really are as a person -
Conventional Morality
Interpersonal Relationships: The person is striving to be respected by those he cares about and searches for the approval of thers Maintaining social order: The person is aware of wider rules and judgment then raises concern over the obeying of the law to avoid the feeling of guilt -
Alheimers, Dementia and the difference between crystallized and fluid intelligence
Demntia: The inability to process mental issues properly due to memory damage and personality changes Alzheimers: The generalized degeneration of the brain that causes mental issues with older people, and the average age for it is 65 Crystallized intelligence: The intelligence that sticks in your brain and remains there without need of practice and are skills and experience.
Fluid Intelligence: The general ability to think abstractly and solve artistic problems and identify patterns. -
Period: to
Initimacy Vs. Isolation
The person has now become an adult, and is actively searching for relationships and companionship so that they do not succumb to the fear of being alone -
The average marriage age for men is 27, while 28 is the age for women -
Having a First Child
The average age of having a first child for mothers is the age of 30 -
Post-conventional Morality
Social contract and individual rights: The person becomes aware that they can break the laws in the interest of certain individuals or activites and that the answer is not always clear Universal Principles: The person then creates their own moral guidlines, even if they do not exactly match up with the law itself, and everyone develops their own self-principles -
Period: to
Generativity Vs. Stagnation
The person now falls into a sort of midlife crisis, and searches to make meaning of their life while changing what made their life what it was in the first place -
Midlife Transisition
Midlife Transition: When a middle-aged person becomes bored with their current lifestyle and strives to do something different, and the average age for this act is 45. -
Menopause is the eventual innability of women to produce eggs and therefore the lose of reproductivity, and the average age of women who achieve menopause is 51 -
Physical changes caused by adulthood
The skin loses elasticity, muscle strength and mobility will decrease, the immune system weakens so that different diseases can now impact you and you spine could potentially press too close together which will make you shorter -
The loss of sensory abilities
Ass you get older, your ability to sense what is going on through your hearing, sight and smell diminishes. Your body and its ability to utilize its senses gets worse as you get older, and can cause problems with productivity of the elderly -
Period: to
Integrity Vs. Despair
The person will develop and integrity system of judgment and look back on their life, leading towards a life full of wisdom as result -
The average life expectancy for men is 76, while the average life expectancy for women is 81