Developmental Milestone Timeline

  • Birth

    This is the day I was born.
  • Period: to

    Basic Trust

    Basic trust is created through early arenting. This creates a life long of trust instead of fear.
  • Period: to

    Trust vs. Mistrust

    If needs are dependably met, infants develop a sense of basic trust.
  • Period: to

    Sensorimotor Stage

    Experiencing the world through senses and actions. Object permanence and stranger anxiety is alsoseen.
  • Raise head to 45 degrees

  • Roll Over

  • Sit with support

    The child starts being able to sit up while being supported
  • Sit without support

    The child can begin to sit up on his own power.
  • Pull self to standing position

  • Stanger Anxiety

    May greet strangers by crying and reaching for family caregivers. The child has schemas for familiar faces.
  • Emotionally Reactive

    Emotionally reactive newborns tend also to be the most reactive 9-month-olds.
  • Walk holding on to furniture

    This can be done with chairs etc.
  • Creep

    The child can now crawl/creep.
  • Stand alone

    The child can officially stand alone with no furniture or anything else to hold on to.
  • Cling to a parent

    Children cling to a parent when they are frightened or expect separation.
  • Insecure attachment

    Insensitive mothers who attended their baby when they felt like it had created an insecure attachment with their baby.
  • Secure attachment

    Responsive mothers who notice what their infant is doing create secure attachment.
  • Period: to

    Autonomy vs. shame and doubt

    Toddlers learn to exercise their will and do things for themselves, or they doubt their abilities.
  • Walk

    The child can now walk on their own with no help.
  • Peak of Anxiety

    Anxiety over separation from parents peaks at around 13 months, then gradually declines.
  • Period: to

    Touching nose when there is a red spot

    Children have a schema of what there face should look like so this schema when seen in the mirror causes them to touch their face.
  • Fearful 2 year olds

    Exceptionally inhibited and fearful 2-year-olds often are still relatively shy as 8-year-olds.
  • Period: to

    Preoperational Stage

    I start to represent things with words and images along with using intuitive rather than logical reasoning. Pretend play and egocentrism is also present.
  • Period: to

    Initiative vs. guilt

    Preschoolers learn to initiate tasks and carry out plans, or they feel guilty about their efforts to beindependent.
  • Period: to

    Industry vs. inferiority

    Children learn the pleasure of applyig themselves to tasks, or they felinferior
  • Period: to

    Concrete Operational Stage

    Thinking logically about concrete events; grasping concrete analogies and performing arithmetical operations. I began to learn conservation and mathematical transformations.
  • Preconventional morality

    Morality is focused on self-interest. They obey rules either to avoid punishment or to gain concrete rewards.
  • Period: to

    Physical changes for girls during puberty

    Underarm hair growth
    Breast development
    Enlargement of uterus
    Beginning of menustration
    Pubic hair growth
  • Self-Concept

    By the age of 12 most children have developed an understanding and assessment of who they are.
  • Conventioanl Morality

    Morality focuses on caring for others and on upholding laws and social rules, simply because they are the laws and rules.
  • Period: to

    Formal Operational Stage

    Abstract reasoning begins along with abstract logic and the potential for mature moral reasoning. This is the stage until death.
  • Menarche

    A girl's first menstrual period.
  • Period: to

    Physical changes for boys during puberty

    Facial and underarm growth
    Larnyx enlargement
    Pubic hair growth
    Growth of penis and testes
    Beginning of ejaculation
  • Spermarche

    A man's first ejacualtion, usually occurs as a nocturnal emission.
  • Period: to

    Identity vs. role confusion

    Teenagers work at refining a sense of self by testing roles and then integrating them to form a single identity, or they become confused about who they are
  • Period: to

    Intimacy vs. isolation

    Young adults struggle to form close relationships and to gain the capacity for intimate love, or they feel socially isolated.
  • Period: to

    Early adulthood

    20-40 years old
  • Average age of having first child

    26 is the average age people have their first child in the US.
  • Average Age Woman Marries

    27 is the average age that women get married in the US.
  • Postconventional morality

    Actions are judged right because they flow from people's rights or from self-defined, basic ethical principles.
  • Sensory ability-highpitched sound

    An aversive high-pitched sound that almost noone over 30 can hear.
  • Period: to

    Woman's chance of getting pregnant

    The chance of getting pregnant after a single act of intercourse are only half those of a woman 19-26.
  • Average Age Man Marries

    The average age for man to marry in the US is 36.
  • Period: to

    Generation vs. stagnation

    In middle age, people discover a sense of contributing to the world, usually through family and work, or they may feel a lack of purpose.
  • Period: to

    Middle adulthood

    40-65 years old
  • Average age of middle transition

    This is the time that people begin to become unhappy with what made them content for years. They then have something that his caled a mid-life crisis and begin to make drastic changes to their lifes. The average age of this occurence is 48.
  • Menopause

    This ends a woman menstrual cycles.
  • Period: to

    Integrity vs. despair

    Reflecting on his or her life, an older adult may feel a sense of satisfaction or failure.
  • Period: to

    Late adulthood

    65+ years old until death.
  • Period: to

    Cognitive changes in adulthood

    Cognitive abilities remain steady throughout adulthood. Research has found that adults who engage in mentally and physically stimulating activities experience less cognitive decline in later adult years and have a reduced incidence of mild cognitive impairment and dementia
  • Sensory ability-pupil of the eye

    The eys's pupil shrinks and its lens becomes less transparent, reducing the amount of light reaching the retina. a 65-year-old retina recieves a third as much light as its 20-year-old counterpart.
  • Sensory ability-lag on complex tasks

    A 70 year old would not be able to compete against a 20-year-old at a video game.
  • Average male life expectancy

    76 is the average male life expectancy
  • Average female life expectancy

    The average female life expectancy is 81
  • Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease

    Up to age 95, theincidence of mental disintegration doubes roghly every 5 years. Alzheimer's symptoms are not normal aging. Memory begins to deteriorate along with smell. Eventually the person becomes emotionally flat and loses their humanity. Dementia has some of these symptoms also and affect people's minds and memories.