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Developmental Life Span

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    My parents found out they were expecting their fourth child
  • First Two Years- Biosocial: Birth

     First Two Years- Biosocial: Birth
    First Two Years-
    I was born into a family of 6 on June 18th, 1990. I had two older sisters, an older brother and a mother and father.
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    First Two Years

  • First Two Years- Cognitive: Development

    First Two Years-
    I was a healthy baby, developing normaly; making noises, crying, sleeping, pooping. My mother breastfeed me for four months, then life got in the way and she had to stop. But that didnt effect my development and health, I continued to be a healthy baby.
  • First Two Years- Psychosocial: Beginning of Tantrums

    First Two Years-
    Psychosocial: I started throwing tantrums around 18 months. I hated eating green beans and every time my mother would try to feed them to me I would cry and scream because I did not like them and did not want to eat them. If I didnt get something my way, I would always put up a fuss.
  • First Two Years- Cognitive- Started Talking

    First Two Years-
    My mom said I started talking around two "and I haven't stopped". But she was happy because when I first started talking my favorite word to say was "momma"
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    The Play Years

  • Play Years- Psychosocial: A New Brother

    Play Years- Psychosocial: A New Brother
    My youngest brother was born after I turned two. I do not remember him being born but I know he was getting a lot more attention than I was. I am not positive how or if it affected me directly or emotionaly but I am sure it did in some way.
  • Play Years- Cognitive: First Sentences

    I really stated saying multiple words around 2 and 1/2 years but my sentences started when I was 3 years old. My mom said I would never stop talking when I was really little.
  • Play years- Cognitive: Summers full of chalk and paint

    The Play Years:
    Having older sibling I was lucky enough to start playing with chalk at a young age. I loved being outside and running around with my family, this kept me small and not a chunky fat baby.
  • Play Years/ School Years- All 3: Began Preschool

    When I was four years old I began half days of preschool. I do not remember much except for one of my friends who I loved to play with, getting dropped off and picked up and "show n' tell".
    This event covered all three areas in development;Biosocial- I ate packed up snacks and was constantly running around playing different sports. Cognitive- learning my alphabet and numbers and also my memory started to kick in.
    Psychosocial- I had to get along with other kids at school.
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    The School Years/ Adolescence

  • School Years- All 3 Areas: First Sport

    School Years- All 3 Areas: I began to play my favorite sport, soccer. I was in the beginning stages of learning the simplest aspects of the sport. This was a big help in my physical development on how to kick a ball, my cognitive development on remembering how to kick a ball an my psychosocial development on how to get along with team mates and listening and trying to interpret the coaches.
  • School Years- All 3 Areas: First Grade

    School Years- All 3 Areas:
    Education covers all three areas of development, like when I started preschool. Now I was in school for a full day, 8 hours, everything was more intense and I was becoming more independent. My language and social skills were still in development along with my physical and nutritional/health growth.
  • Adolescence- Cognitive: High School

    Adolescence Cognitive: I attended Northville High School. This was a nerve-racking time because classes were more intense and required a lot more studying on my behalf outside of school.
  • Adolescence- Psychosocial: Sports in High School

    Adolescence- Psychosocial: Sports in High School
    I played 3 sports while I attended high school. This lead to me making a variety of friends, I never had just one group of friends in high school but from multiple groups and I would consider them good friends still to this day.
  • Adolescence- Biosocial: Varsity Soccer

    Adolescence- Biosocial: Varsity Soccer
    I played Varisty soccer as a sophomore in high school, which was very exciting because I played with my older sister. Playing sports in high school kept me very active and in shape. I was a little too skinny for my own good but I wasn’t unhealthy. I would eat a lot of food but being so active I constantly burned off a lot of calories.
  • Adolescence- Cognitive: High School Graduation

    Adolescence- Cognitive: High School Graduation
    AdolescenceCognitive:I graduated High School and knew everything in life was about to change. I was on my own and had to take responsibility for all of my actions and I didn’t have my parents to back me up anymore. I was beginning to learn how to live on my own would cost money and take a lot of responsibility, physically and mentally.
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    Emerging Adulthood

  • Emerging Adulthood-Biosocial: 21 Birthday

    Emerging Adulthood-Biosocial: 21 Birthday
    Emerging Adulthood-Biosocial: In college I started to party once I turned 21. My drinking and eating habits did not treat me well. I began to gain weight and became lazier. Affecting my health negatively.
  • Emerging Adulthood- Cognitive: College Graduation

    Emerging Adulthood-Cognitive: I graduated from Oakland University with a Bachelors in Biology. I was smarter and felt like I had accomplished a huge goal. Although I did not know fully what I wanted to do with this degree at the time, I could tell I became more organized in life and knew good things would begin to happen.
  • Emerging Adulthood-Psychosocial: Heart Break but New Friends

    Emerging Adulthood-Psychosocial: Heart Break but New Friends
    Emerging Adulthood-Psychosocial: My boyfriend of 3 years and I broke up. My heart felt like it was split in half and I changed my life style. I started to run (cognitive) and get in shape as a mental distraction. But this is also when I became best friends with a girl in one of my class at Schoolcraft and I began to meet a lot of new people. I also started on my path to become a nurse. I am finally taking my last 3 classes this semester (2015) before applying to nursing school.
  • Adulthood- Cognitive: Learning From My Children

    I learn a lot from my children but I also have a lot of teaching to do. I need to go back in my mind and remember all the things I had done when I was younger, show them what my faults were and guide them through life but always accepting their own decisions and let them learn from their own mistakes.
  • Adulthood- Psychosocial: Marriage

    AdulthoodPsychosocial: I marry a young man who is very much in love with me. We quickly start a family together within the first 5 years of marriage (3 Children, 2 boys and a baby girl). My life begins to expand as I welcome new people into my life and have the responsibility of other humans.
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  • Adulthood-Biosocial: Children and My Weight

    Adulthood-Biosocial:Having 3 children in a short period has a huge effect on my body. I constantly try to get back in shape but it is very difficult raising 3 children under the age of 5 and keeping my physical appearances in tip-top shape. I am not un healthy because I make sure my kids eat well but there is some extra fat I constantly have to try to keep off. My skin is also wrinkly, my hair starts to lose its blond color, and my knees begin to be more painful. Old age is starting to creep u
  • Adulthood Psychosocial: Grandchildren

    AdulthoodPsychosocial:My children get married and bless me with grandchildren, expanding out family even further.
  • Late Adulthood- Biosocial: Buy a Condo for a Different Life Style

    Late Adulthood- Biosocial: Buy a Condo for a Different Life Style
    Late AdulthoodBiosocial: My husband and I buy a condo down in South Carolina where our children and grandchildren are able to visit the beach. This kept me very active and my body continues to be in good health. We are involved in swim classes, bike rides and other activities with couples our age.
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    Late Adulthood

  • Late Adulthood- Psychosocial: Husband Dies

    Late Adulthood
    My husband passes away and I lose the love of my life. I still have my children and my grandchildren and they are the only things that help me through everyday.
  • Late Adulthood- Cognitive & Biosocial: Care Facility

    Late AdulthoodCognitive & Biosocial:My children have decided I need to be put into a home to be taken care of. My mind is not as sharp as it used to be and my body does not always want to listen to what its supposed to be doing. I do not need help 24/7 but need to be looked after so I home where I can still interact socially would be preferred.
  • Death:

    Death: My life expectancy test said I would die at the age of 81. I gave myself a couple of years because I am working on my weight and trying to stay more positive and less stressed. I want to live to be 85 so I can watch my grandchildren grow up. I die in a home but my family was able to say goodbye before I pass away in my sleep