Period: to
Germinal period
Embryonic Period
Fetal Period
Age of viability
Stage One of Sensorimotor Intelligence
Stage 2 of Sensorimotor Intelligence
Social Smile Develops
Stage three of Sensorimotor Intelligence
Developing gross motor skils
Language areas start developing most rapidly
Develop fine motor skills
Stage Four of Sensorimotor Intelligence
Oral Stage / Trust vs. Mistrust
First spoken recognizable words
Stage Six of Sensorimotor Intelligence
Transient exuberance
Multiword sentences
Stage Five of Sensorimotor Intelligence
Preoperational Intelligence
piaget's term for cognitive development -
Social referencing
Seeking information about how to react to an unfamiliar object or event by observing someone else's expressions and reactions -
Anal Stage/Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
Ability to comprehend numbers
as well as store memories and know routines. -
Concrete operational thought
Piaget: Egocentrism diminishes and logic begins. -
Bullying begins
14% of children said they were victims "now and then", 10% admitted to deliberately hurt other children. -
Industry vs. Inferiority
Erikson's crisis when children busily try to master whatever their culture values. -
Phallic Stage / Initiative vs. Guilt
social comparison
Middle Childhood - Comparing one's self with other people even when no one else explicitly makes the comparison -
Freuds term time when emotional drives are quiet. -
Good time to start learning another language
Children 7-11 are eager to communicate, are logical, and have an ear and brain for nuances of code and pronunciation. -
Effortful control
School age children modiftying impulses and emotions. -
Religious belief
Religious beliefs become useful for children to cope with their problems. -
Deviancy training
When children show eachother how to avoid adult restrictions -
Children demand more of their friends
Most children now know how to be a good friend. -
Most 10 year olds thought they knew themselves better than their parents or teacehers - bringing self-understanding and self-awareness. -
Sexual abuse is common
Sexual abuse is more common between the ages of 10 and 15. -
Formal Operational thought
Piaget - by age 10 at the end of the concrete operational stage, formal operational thought beings. -
Secondary Education begins
Onset of puberty
Usually begins around age 11 or 12 -
Imaginary audience
In an adolescent's egocentric belief, people are watching and judging his or her appearance, ideas and behavior. -
College course influence
College-prep courses versus basic level courses are strongly influenced by experience in grades 6-8. -
Body image
A person's idea of how his or her body looks beings to develop. -
Genital Stage / Identity vs. Role confusion
Hypothetical thought begins
What-if propositions being considered -
Median age of begining of menstruation -
Deductive reasoning begins
Reasoning from a general statement, premise or principle through logical steps to figure out specifics. -
Ethnic/Political identity peaks
Identifying with a particular political party. -
Ability to decide whether or not to drop out of school
Most people lose their virginity at age 17
Close friendships begin.
Intimacy vs. Isolation
Emotional Maturity
Emotional maturity increases and egocentrism decreases, which brings some appreciation of their parents. -
Emerging adulthood beings
through ages 18-25 -
Begin peak sexual desire
Most adolescents try drugs
Most adolescents try drugs before the age of 18. -
Begin to take on many different jobs
Many jobs are taken between 18 and 25 as few are sure of their career identity. -
Nearsightedness increases gradually
beginning at age 20 -
Intelligence increases
for gifted individuals between ages 20 and 50. -
Begin gaining more fat and muscle
Brain slowdown begins
Identity vs. Role confusion
Around the time Eriksn's fifth stage may require reassessment. -
IQ peaks at age 21
Identity crisis can continue
Identity crisis can continue into adulthood although most people achieve identity by the end of adolescence, Erikson thought. -
Intimacy vs. Isolation
Vocational Identity beings
Post-poned till age 25 for reasons of harmful adolescent employment, less likely to take drugs, and adults contributing to adults in a rich social network. -
Anxiety disorders decrease
Most anxiety disorders are prevalent below the age of 25. -
More need for exercise
beginning after age 25. -
More likley to be pleased with their marriage
Ages 25 to 40 are most likely to be pleased with their marriages than are adults at other ages. -
Decline in brain abilities.
adults experience a shallow decline in abilities dependent on the brain at about age 30, even if they are not overtired, sick, stressed, or drugged. -
Suggested conception before age 30
First births begin
typically after age 30 are common today. -
Muscle fibers start to disappear
Empty Nest may happen.
When the chldren have gone, the time in the lives of parents to, again, pursue their own lives. -
Generativity vs. Stagnation
Peak intellectual ability
between age 40 and 60. -
More happy and successful than predicted
By age 40 most marriages were happier than predicted. -
Midlife crisis expected
Period of unusual anxiety radical reexamination, and sudden transformation that is widely associated with middle age. -
Average commencement of menopause
Between ages 42-58 ovulation and menstruation stop because of a marked decrease in production of several hormones. -
Gender convergence
By age 42, men become less aggressive and more conforming while the opposite was true for women. -
Begin highest household income
at ages 45-54 -
Around the age when people start to retire
All faces are wrinkled
by the age of 60 -
Loss of hearing starts to occur -
Brain's electrical activity is reduced
Which means less deep sleep, more half awake time, and shorter dreams. -
Notable height loss
Begin caregiving and care receiving.
People over 65 are often both. -
Most people live with a spouse.
Five primal mental abilities begin to fall
verbal meaning, spatial orientation, inductive reasoning, number ability, word fluency. -
Most people are grandparents
Practical intelligence begins to decline
Most cases of Alzheimer's begin
Cognitive decline begins
Average life expectancy - 81 years for women.
75 years for men. -
Five stages of Kubler-Ross's stages of emotional dying
- Denial
- Anger
- Bargaining
- Depression
- Acceptance
Good death or Bad death