Development Stages of the Young Child

By amagrum
  • Infancy

    1 month to 3 months the infant will coo, mimic facial gestures, and reach and grasp objects.
    From the ages of 4 to 6 months infants begin to laugh.
    At 7 to 9 months the infant will start to sit on their own, crawl, and stand.
    From 10 to 12 months the infant will begin to talk and point towards objects. The infant will also mimic what other people do.
  • Vaccines

    Hep B
  • Vaccines

    Hep B, Rotavirus, DTap, Hib, PCV13, IPV
  • Vaccines

    Rotavirus, DTap, Hib, PCV13, IPV
  • Vaccines

    MMR, Varicella, Hep A
  • Vaccines

    DTap, PCV13, IPV, Influenza
  • Age 1-2

    The child at age 1 will begin to walk soon, throw temper tantrums, talk more clearly. Closer to age 2 the toddler will start to kick and throw balls.
  • Age 2-3

    The toddler at age 2 will name multiple body parts, identify pictures in a book, and formulate 2-3 word sentences.
  • Vaccines

    Hep A
  • Age 3-4

    At 3 years old, children develop independence and begin to play with their peers. They need a sense of security by their loved ones.
  • Age 4-5

    The child at age 4 will intelligence begins to build with learning written language. They begin to count and understand time frames.
  • Age 5

    The child at age 5 can play outside, running and walking smoothly. The child can ride a bike and play games.