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Development of Toddler

By majada
  • Physical; 13 to 15 months

    Physical; 13 to 15 months
    • may stand with only slight support.
    • crawls forward or backwards
    • uses spoons, builds small towers of blocks
      • can climb on chairs and sofas
  • Intellectual; 13 to 15 months

    Intellectual; 13 to 15 months
    • beings to form concepts
    • explores different features of objects as if studying them
    • experiments with actions never tried before -slowly increases vocabulary from 4 to 6 words
  • Physical; 16 to 18 months

    Physical; 16 to 18 months
    • walks fast and runs stiffly
    • likes to grab anything and everything
    • can jump on both feet
    • can walk sideways
  • Intellectual; 16 to 18 months

    Intellectual; 16 to 18 months
    • Very inquisitive about things
    • has short attention span
    • tries to imitate people
    • vocabulary increases to 6 to 10 words
  • Physical; 19 to 21 months

    Physical; 19 to 21 months
    • walks backwards
    • runs without falling often
    • walks up and down the stairs with help
    • can hold two objects in hand
  • Intellectual; 19 to 21 months

    Intellectual; 19 to 21 months
    • interested in small things like bugs
    • vocabulary is about 20 words
    • likes to respond to directions
    • can remember familiar objects without seeing them
  • Physical 22 to 24 months

    Physical 22 to 24 months
    • walks with more coordination -likes to play with crayons
    • likes playdough
    • can open screw type closer
  • Intellectual; 22 to 24 months

    Intellectual; 22 to 24 months
    • may distinguish between and many
    • has a vocabulary of 50 words or more
    • continues to ask what's that
    • answers questions about the body parts
  • Physical; 24 to 30 months

    Physical; 24 to 30 months
    • plays on swings, ladders, and other playground equipment
    • opens door by turning knob
    • likes to take off jaw lids and screw them back on
  • intellectual 24 to 30 months

    intellectual 24 to 30 months
    -becomes increasing interested in children TV shows
    - likes to listen to tapes and story recordings
    - uses two word sentences
  • Physical 30 to 36 months

    Physical 30 to 36 months
    • likes to be in constant motion
    • walks on tippy toes
    • enjoys running
    • eats with forks and other regular untinsils
  • Intellectual 30 to 36 months

    Intellectual 30 to 36 months
    • begins to classify objects into general categories
    • vocabulary from 500 to 1000 words
    • starts to use past tense and plural
    • recognizes self in pictures