Baby is born
Period: to
Development of Toddlers
Physcial Development 13-15 months
Toddler can stand alone without support for a short time
Crusies along furniture
May be able to walk a few steps alone
Crawl forward or backward -
Cognitive Development 13-5 months
Toddler's vocabulary increases to four to six words
Begins to form concepts
Has a very short memory span
Babbles with expression
Responds to own name -
Physical Development 16-18 months
Toddler can walk sideways
Stands on either foot with support
Walks fast and runs stiffy
Jumps on both feet
Likes to grab everything -
Cognitive Developement 16-18 months
Toddler begins to figure out things through though process
Remembers where objects belong
Imitates sounds
May use two-word phrases
Has a short attention span -
Physcial Developement 19-21 months
Toddler can hold two objects in hand easily
Runs without falling often
Uses one hand more than the other
Responds rhythmically to music
Jumps forward and in place -
Cognitive Development 19-21 months
Can remember familiar objects
Is interested in tiny things
Learns to distinguish
Combines two differnet words
Listens to directions -
Physcial Development 22-24 months
Walks with more coordination
Bounces and sways
Can seat self
Can throw ball into basket
Walks sideways and backward -
Cognitive Development 22-24 months
Able to ask for things using simple words
Interested in sound repetition
Interested in the outcome of activites
Understands more words than it is able to use
Is curious about objects in environment -
Physcial Development 24-30 months
Able to open doors by turning knobs
Can remove wrapping from gum and candy
Can soap hands and arms easily
Tears paper and manipulates clay -
Cognitive Development 24-30 months
Becomes increasingly interested in children's TV shows
Understands cause and effect in terms of behavior
Remembers sequence of stories and may be able to retell them
Refers to self by name
Uses words to make requests -
Physical Development 30-36 months
Enjoys games involving running
Goes up stairs by alternating feet
Eats with a fork
Takes objects apart and puts them back together
Sits in adult chairs -
Cognitive Development 30-36 months
Begins to classify objects into general categories
Can remember and follow three-step commands
Can stack rings in the correct order
Recognizes self in photographs
Starts to use past tense and plurals