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Development of theories regarding gravity

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    Believed taht the planets and sun orbited the Earth in the order of Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn this was known as the Ptolemaic System.
  • Newton

    Isaac Newton is know for having an apple falling on his head. Gravity was the force that pulled objects down and helped us not float around into space. He helped prove both Kepler and Galilei's ideas correct and even created the inverse square law that helped explain the ellipse. Devised the 3 laws of motion, and developed the law of universal gravitation. He also used his laws of motion to prove that Copernicus had been correct, and that the Earth revolved around the Sun.
  • Henry Cavendish

    Henry Cavendish
    He wanted to prove that Newton's Law of Universal Gravity was correct so he created the Torsion Balance. This device was to measure the force of gravity between two masses and helped show the consistancy of proportion in Newton's Laws.
  • Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein
    He helped prove Newton's idea and even came up with ones on his own. He figured out that mass and energy both are affected by gravity. He also came up with the idea that space was in an ellipse type pattern and we do not feel gravitational pull because of this.
  • Aristotle

    Believed that the universe is made up of spheres inside of each other and the Earth was in the center of it all.
    He thought everything was composed of earth, water, air and fire. The reason why things were pulled down was because that object was trying to get closed to the element it contained the most of. He stated that heavier objects fall faster than lighter objects.Aristotle created the geocentric model of the Solar System