Proclamation of Neutrality
Declaring the US neutral in the conflict between France and Great Britain. It threatened legal proceedings against any American providing assistance to any country at war -
XYZ Affair
The XYZ Affair was a diplomatic incident between French and United States diplomats that resulted in a limited, undeclared war known as the Quasi-War. It occured when diplomats were sent to France and were bribed. -
Convention of 1800
It was also called Treaty of Mortefontaine. It was a treaty between the United States of America and France to settle the hostilities that had erupted during the Quasi-War -
Louisiana Purchase
The Louisiana territory encompassed all or part of 15 present U.S. states and two Canadian provinces and was purchased from France -
Embargo Act
The embargo was imposed in response to violations of U.S. neutrality. American merchantmen and their cargo were seized as contraband of war by European navies. The United States suffered from the embargo -
War of 1812
The United States declared war in 1812 for several reasons, including trade restrictions brought about by Britain's continuing war with France, the impressment of American merchant sailors into the Royal Navy. -
Treaty of Ghent
It was the peace treaty that ended the War of 1812 between the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. No one lost any territory -
Monroe Doctrine
It stated that further efforts by European nations to colonize land or interfere with states in North or South America would be viewed as acts of aggression, requiring U.S. intervention. The main purpose was to free the newly independent colonies of Latin America from European intervention and avoid situations which could make the New World a battleground for the Old World powers