
development of the Mp3 player

  • when they stated the process of making the mp3 player

    was the year they stared to make it but the public did not know till later on.
  • the year it came public.

    the year it came public.
    They invented it but they did not release it till later on
  • when it was released

    they finally released it after a year they invented it.
  • First hard cover portable mp3 player

    First hard cover portable mp3 player
    They came out with a mp3 player that is durable can can be transported easier.
  • Download of the music

    Download of the music
    A record company called SubPop was the first company that distributed music the mp3 player.
  • when it became popular

    the mp3 player did not become as popular till 1999 that is when everyone stated to buy it.
  • First Hard Drive MP3 Player Released.

     First Hard Drive MP3 Player Released.
    The reason they made it was because it added more storage for songs and added more features.
  • i tunes just got invented

    i tunes just got invented
    It made it easer to transport songs to your mp3 player.