Development of the Modern Environmental Movement

By Kailynk
  • Earth’s Resources Aren’t Limitless

    Europeans settlers come to America and discover Earth’s resources won’t be here forever unless they conserve(
  • Industrial Revolution

    As the Industrial Revolution began, earth began to get polluted since the factories caused major pollution(
  • Wildlife Refuge

    Seeing as we are ruining the earth and animals are growing extinct, Teddy Roosevelt established a protected wildlife refuge at Pelican Island in an attempt to start saving Earth’s animals(
  • Eisenhower’s Speech

    The president of the time, Dwight Eisenhower recognizes pollution in the air and how it causes problems and addresses the issue in his State of Union address(
  • Study of Automobile Exhaust

    The Air Pollution Control Act of 1955 funds a study to look at the health effects caused by the exhaust from automobiles(
  • Silent Spring

    Rachel Carson publishes Silent Spring. This began the modern environmentalist movement.
  • First Earth Day

    First national earth day is celebrated as a holiday as people fight against environmental pollution(
  • EPA Established

    Nixon works with Congress to establish the Environmental Protection Agency to help protect earth(
  • Bhopal

    One of the worst industrial incidents ever takes place in the city of Bhopal as as a chemical leak kills thousands of people(text)l
  • Chernobyl

    Nuclear incident that occurred in Ukraine that began with an explosion and released radiation into the air and killed thousands(text).