100 BCE
Last Supper
The first recorded event of the Breaking of the Bread -
Period: 100 to 313
The Developing Liturgy
Christians were no longer welcome at the synagogue service so they added its prayers, singing, chanting, and a homily to the Eucharistic liturgy. -
Period: 313 to Jan 1, 700
The Legalisation of Christianity
With the arrival of emperor Constantine, Christianity became legal. The celebration of the Eucharist was now celebrated in basilicas, the ceremony included processions, genuflection, candles, license and priests wore vestments. The Eucharistic prayers were no longer improvised and liturgical books were introduced. -
Period: Jan 1, 701 to
The Eucharistic Mass before the Liturgical Reforms
The priest would celebrate the Eucharist with his back to the people. There was no participation by lay people in the mass except for signing of the hymns. People also considered themselves unworthy of communion. -
Period: to
The Liturgical Reform of the Second Vatican Council
The mass was emphasized as the celebrating community presented had a role to play in the liturgy. Readings were read by the laity. The priest turned around and faced the people.The prayer of the faithful, procession of gifts, sign of peace, singing of hymns, responses and acclamations were all reimplemented.