
Development of Technology

  • Launch of Wikipedia

    Launch of Wikipedia
    Wikipedia was invented by Jimmy Wales & Larry Sanger. Most people use wikipedia for research.
  • Ipod

    The first iPod created by Steve Jobs which helped in listening to music.
  • Wireless Headsets

    Wireless Headsets
    This headset allows a person to talk on their phone or any other device without touching it using Bluetooth technology.
  • First Camera Phone

    First Camera Phone
    This was the first camera phone in the whole world invented in the USA.
  • Facebook

    Facebook is a social networking site. The creators of facebook were Mark Zuckerburg and his college roommates.
  • Youtube Invnetion

    Youtube Invnetion
    Youtube was created by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim who worked for Paypal.
  • 3D Flying insects

    3D Flying insects
    3D displays of robotic flying insects would be helpful for milltary spying.
  • iPhone

    First iPhone was made in 2007 and is still poupular after 14 years.
  • Tablet Computers

    Tablet Computers
    HP tablet computers were very useful to people because it had the flexibility of an ultra-slim tablet.
  • NASA's Ares Rocket

    NASA's Ares Rocket
    This rocket was the best and coolest invetion of 2009. It was a machine that could launch human beings to destinations which have the natural process relating to the universe.
  • The arrival of 3D

    The arrival of 3D
    In 2010 3D Telvision was invented. People still have been watching 3D Telvision from the last 11 years.
  • NASA'S Curiosity Rover

    NASA'S Curiosity Rover
    Space rover named Curiosity went to Mars invented by NASA.
  • CRISPR-Cas9 (Method for editing Genes)

    CRISPR-Cas9 (Method for editing Genes)
    CRISPR-Cas9 was created by Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier.
  • Hyperloop Train

    Hyperloop Train
    Elon Musk announces hyperloop a giant tube transport system.
  • Apple Watch

    Apple Watch
    the Apple Watch allows the user to check messages, e-mails, etc. In a small and portable manner.
  • 3D touchable holograms

    3D touchable holograms
    Like images in star movies,holograms have been around for a few years. But Scientists have created new holograms which we can feel.
  • Molcelues Minature Machines

    Molcelues Minature Machines
    MThree nanotechnologists win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for building miniature machines out of molecules
  • Samsung's Foldable Smartphone

    Samsung's Foldable Smartphone
    The first foldable smartphone in 2017
  • NASA's Parker Solar Probe

    NASA's Parker Solar Probe
    NASA's Parker Solar Probe is the fastest spacecraft ever at the speed of 4,30,000 miles per hour.
  • We WALK

    We WALK
    Kursat Ceylan invented We WALK which was a smart cane. It helped more than 250 million blind people to walk.
  • A-I powered robot

    A-I powered robot
    AI-powered robot microscopes will help us clean up the world’s water supplies